View Full Version : Another Massachusetts Catching Trip

08-06-2018, 03:00 PM
Was joined by Duffman, Grateful Dad, Bigfishbob, MVP Alex, Tropics, Angina and 6 others on the our annual Captain's Special party boat trip to Georges Bank and Nantucket Shoals. Another awesome trip in the books, it's catching not fishing up there.
Trip started off with Striper after Striper caught from Stern before departure, on literally any bait/lure that touched the water. All shorts but we saw some bigger ones that missed the offerings - a good start. Captain announced we'd be hitting Georges Bank for Cod/Pollack on Saturday, then fluking on Nantucket Shoals on Sunday. That was a good call because the weather and westerly winds inshore were worse than what we had off-shore. Conditions were still difficult, we had to use 20 oz jigs all day. But the rewards were sweet - good sized Cod and Pollack and a nice surprise this year - a good number of keeper haddock. WE also had Mackerals hitting our teasers when deep-dropping and kept them swimming in hopes of a Halibut but no takers.
After anchoring near the fluke grounds Saturday night we started fishing Nantucket Shoals just after sunrise. That early start proved to be monumental : Duffman got 3 8+ pounders on his first 3 drops. Alex got a 9. Tropics got an 8.5 but it was Angina Brian who had the money fish - a 9.7 pounder that wound up taking the substantial pool :)
I'm just back and will add more later as others chime in, here's a few pix to start . . .

08-06-2018, 04:46 PM
Way to go Larry, we are headed up there on Friday hope you left some for us. :D

08-06-2018, 05:07 PM
Great stuff !!!

Grateful Dad
08-07-2018, 08:28 AM
I had the pleasure of joining the guys on this trip. It was lights out fishing for the entire trip! After Saturday's groundfish bonanza, it was back at it on Sunday for incredible fluking. We did what we needed to do, dropping 20 oz. to (barely) hold bottom for the fluke, but if you got to the bottom, the fish were there!
One of the highlights for me was having a nice sized cod swallow a mackerel that I was pulling in. Snag and drop, George's Bank style!
Many thanks to HartAttack Larry for putting this trip together! I had a great time fishng with a fine group of gentlemen.

08-07-2018, 04:34 PM
Larry Thank You my neighbors Thank You also.Took 3 hrs cleaning my fish when I got home.Today I worked on cleaning my truck bed Bleach is a wonderful thing.Not many pic of me and the fish,here are a few.

Man Workin
08-07-2018, 05:02 PM
Great job guys.

08-07-2018, 05:07 PM
Seems like Pollock up there are like Bluefish to us, no one wants them.

08-07-2018, 06:14 PM
Glad you got em boys. Nice work by all. Oh and Brian winning a pool / prize tackle/ free trip etc is so old hat:rolleyes:

08-07-2018, 07:15 PM
$hit that was awesome yet again!!

Just learning this fishery but catching on quick. Current means everything up there. Screaming one minute, close to nil the next.

Pleasure sharing the rail next to guys who know whats going on. Tangles at a minimum and when they did happen it was an easy out.

Still beat after making the suicide run up and back. I95sux!!!!

I think my BP went up a few points after Matt cooked breakfast...:D


Pale yellow shirts and blood dont mix
Richie makes some KILLER jerky
Ray Rod can sleep on a bed of nails
Wet deck boots are impossible to put on
A rolling boat WILL throw you out of your bunk
Pissing in a 6 foot chop sux

Larry.. thanks for the leg work putting this together...much appreciated

Richie...Thank you for your service. Never knew til I spoke to ya

Reel Class
08-08-2018, 07:09 AM

08-09-2018, 11:04 PM
Not sure how this post past me bye as I was looking forward to reading Larrys report. The only thing better then being on the water and fishing for me is spending it with a great group of guys. Great fishing next to Duffman and Ray in the back corner. It makes things so much more enjoyable to fish a large party boat when your neighbors know what they are doing and keep tangles to a minimum. Both of you guys put on a show with the fluke under less than ideal conditions. Can not thank Larry enough for taking the reigns and putting this together once again this year. I no how much work is involved no it is greatly appreciated as your enthusiasm is contagious. It was a very Menche thing of your son to treat us for dinner with his well earned pool money. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

ALS Mako
08-10-2018, 07:11 AM
Glad to here you and the guys had a great trip larry. Angina does it again! I remember when he won the pool on the rfa trip. I was acually on the wait list for this trip. Maybe next year.

Joey Dah Fish
08-10-2018, 02:24 PM
Awesome job men !!!!!!! You too Larry 😜

08-11-2018, 12:10 PM
The new and improved Larry Hart is a Lean Not so Mean Fishing Machine