View Full Version : Why do girls catch all the BIG FISH!!!????

Kevin Bogan
08-06-2018, 02:03 PM
:mad: Hey Skipper, every time I fish near the girls they out-fish me and catch all the BIG FISH!!!
:cool: Well there must be a scientific reason for this!
:rolleyes: Yeah, right, and all my friends laugh at me because I got out-fished by a woman!!!:confused:
:cool: That's because they use FISH POISON rods, the best rods on the Mighty Atlantic!!!!! Win the Pool, Be the top Fisherlady in the tournament!! Use Fish Poison rods and catch BIG fish all day, every day, forever and ever and ever and..............

For more info, check out our Instagram page @kevinbogansrods, just now voted the Number 1 Instagram page on the entire Atlantic Seaboard.