View Full Version : Got Boarded Again! WTF

08-05-2018, 07:00 PM
We were finishing up ten hours on the water for the fluke tournament and the CG decides to board us....again.... for the third time in 9 mos!!

The only problem was we had an hour to weigh in fish!!!

We protested but it did not matter!!

It’s a good thing seas were flat and we went nearly WOT to get in with five minutes to spare (out of the money by six oz).

There has to be a better way plus they need to get rid of black boots that took half an hour to clean the scuffs

shrimpman steve
08-05-2018, 07:10 PM
I know it sucks but remember they are there to save us as well.

Irish Jigger
08-05-2018, 08:34 PM
I feel your pain No Limit we have been boarded twice by the CG and twice by the State police. Good news is the slips they give you for the boarding are good to just show the next time they come to your boat. Last season the CG not only scuffed up my deck but also let his gun in the holster scratch the hell out of my engine cover because he needed to see the serial number on the hull. They told me to file a complaint with the government lol. They mean well and are there for us god forbid we need them but have no right to damage my property!! Being that we primarily fish weekdays we are an easy target when there are only 3 recreational boats in the bay! First question was "do you have any firearms, ammunition or grenades on the boat" lol. Hell no I don't but that 18 year old kid with his hands on the 50 cal gun is making me nervous. Lol

08-06-2018, 05:02 AM
What are they checking you for? I’ve been boarded by everyone except the coast guard and all they want to see is the fish.

Reel Class
08-06-2018, 08:02 AM
The sole reason any agency boards you at sea is to "catch" you doing something against regulation (whether it's F&G related or coast guard reg related) so that they can write a summons where you have to pay a fine. Don't kid yourself, this is why the coast guard does safety checks - some boarding officers are very laid back and if there's a violation they let it go, while others will write a summons and will lay it on real thick. Remember, the Coast Guard is a FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT agency as well as a safeguard for boaters and our harbors.

Think of it like this - when a police officer stops you in your car, they have a reason to stop you, and the main reason is to write you a ticket for something with your car, like speeding, busted tail light, etc. It's the same affect on the water with on the water agencies, but there are many different things to look for and to cite a boater on, so know the rules!

Here's an idea: The boarding officers can make it a lot easier and schedule days to walk the docks at marinas to check boats and literally do the same thing so that boat owners can have a safety check done in an environment where corrections can be made if need be. IMO they don't do this simply so that they CAN write the summons' and produce $$$ for the federal government.

Aside from all that, the coast guard is there for us as boaters and they are out there to make sure that all boaters are acting in a safe and judicious manner - thank god we have them and god bless those guys!

08-06-2018, 08:52 AM
The F&G guys have stopped our 13 ft rental skiff more than once

The whole experience seemed really unsafe - tying/pulling up to a boat so some guy can lean over to check coolers and bags.

08-06-2018, 09:31 AM
Hey Limit their are a few ways you can avoid you being boarded,
1. if its the USCG doing a safety inspection have it done in the beginning of the year by the USCG Aux they will give you a decal to display and 90% of the time they will not stop you once they see that unless you are doing something careless.
2. if its fish and game not much you can do except open up every hatch and they will be off your boat in 5 to 10 minutes.
3. If its the NJ State Police just have all of your documentation in a baggie of some sort and keep it handy so its quicker.

When you were boarded all of those times did they perform a safety Inspection? if so they should have given you an inspection sheet which is good for 1 calendar year and when your stopped for a safety inspection you show them that and they are on their way.
As I said if its fish and Game your at their mercy.

Irish Jigger
08-06-2018, 10:32 AM
Thanks CaptMark I forgot to mention all of my stops were for safety inspections from both agencies. State police did look at our fish , but really just ran our registration and drivers liscenses. As you stated we keep all the paperwork in the same ziplock with our saltwater registry cards.

Capt. Debbie
08-06-2018, 11:18 AM
Coast Guard boardings do catch people who do messed up stuff. Junk life jackets, burned out running and anchor lights at night, over loaded. There are a lot of people with F'ed up priorities and will spend more on a stereo than a VHF radio and antenna.

THs State Police do the same, but add that dopey Safety Certificate. USCG don't care. And USCG does the coastal rescues. State Police not so much.

The sole reason any agency boards you at sea is to "catch" you doing something against regulation (whether it's F&G related or coast guard reg related) so that they can write a summons where you have to pay a fine. Don't kid yourself, this is why the coast guard does safety checks - some boarding officers are very laid back and if there's a violation they let it go, while others will write a summons and will lay it on real thick. Remember, the Coast Guard is a FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT agency as well as a safeguard for boaters and our harbors.

Think of it like this - when a police officer stops you in your car, they have a reason to stop you, and the main reason is to write you a ticket for something with your car, like speeding, busted tail light, etc. It's the same affect on the water with on the water agencies, but there are many different things to look for and to cite a boater on, so know the rules!

Here's an idea: The boarding officers can make it a lot easier and schedule days to walk the docks at marinas to check boats and literally do the same thing so that boat owners can have a safety check done in an environment where corrections can be made if need be. IMO they don't do this simply so that they CAN write the summons' and produce $$$ for the federal government.

Aside from all that, the coast guard is there for us as boaters and they are out there to make sure that all boaters are acting in a safe and judicious manner - thank god we have them and god bless those guys!

08-06-2018, 01:30 PM
The State police should spend their time in pursuit of criminals. All they do on the water is harass boaters and waste my tax dollars.

The U.S. Coast Guard on the other hand it there for our safety and for coastal patrol. I have no issues with them even if I was boarded twice already this year. They are a valuable asset for everyone on the water.

Capt. Debbie
08-06-2018, 02:26 PM
Agreed. USCG do a lot more that NJSP. In tidal water, the NJSP, are there for ticket writing- little else. They let the coast guard do it all. In the Harbor NYPD and FDNY rule even up to the NJ docks..

The State police should spend their time in pursuit of criminals. All they do on the water is harass boaters and waste my tax dollars.

The U.S. Coast Guard on the other hand it there for our safety and for coastal patrol. I have no issues with them even if I was boarded twice already this year. They are a valuable asset for everyone on the water.

Joey Dah Fish
08-06-2018, 06:26 PM
I knows it’s a pain som days. But I’m always glad to see them out there. Boarded a few times myself. Always very professional and courteous. They have a job to do and they do it ever so well. Most people think it’s annoying until you need them. Happy 228 Birthday Coast Guard and Thank You’re for your service

08-06-2018, 06:51 PM
[QUOTE=Irish Jigger;514011 Being that we primarily fish weekdays we are an easy target when there are only 3 recreational boats in the bay!

Dont mean at all to high jack this thread but HMMM :p only 3 recreational boats in the bay on weekdays in mid summer with decent fishing! My point in other fishing pressure threads exactly.

PS: Thanks to our Coast Guard for all you do

08-06-2018, 06:53 PM
If safety is really the issue, then why not send a guy to all marinas and ramps to do the inspection and put a sticker on the boat. The cost of that would be tiny compared to what they do now to check only a tiny fraction of the private fleet. If it costs $800/day and he does 50 boats, thats $160/boat.

Does anyone realize how much it costs to run a 150' CG cutter and send 8 man crews out in zodiacs? The capital expense is probably $4mm a year or about $13000 a day plus $1000 for fuel and $24000 to fund a crew. Thats $40k to do maybe 10 boats a day on average?! Or $4000 to inspect a single boat!?! And they spent $12k on me in 10 mos? I have been boating for 55 years and have never had a mishap. The worst I ever had was an life preserver they said had a puncture in the plastic lining (based on some sort of squeeze test he did).

Like I said, there has to be a better way if the goal is to do safety inspections.

08-06-2018, 06:54 PM
The USCG conducts safety boardings as well as L/E boardings. You should thank them for being out there. I know they will be out there when you need them the most.

Capt. Debbie
08-07-2018, 10:51 AM
I don't think these guys are hired for this job or bought boats just for this. If not they would be doing something else. It's not real money spent just to do this- just self-serving stats. They would be spending the same amount if they sat at a dock and barbecued all day.

A once year inspection will check overloading, burned out running lights at night, removed back fire arrestors, insufficient PFD's that fit those on the boat that day, illegal federal waters fishing and possession? Hardly. Or when you nearly run down some clown night fishing off Hoffman Island with his only working lights are on his dash board - you'd wish they were there too.

For this "as needed" scheme to work you have to check every boat leaving the dock or ramp. And for the most part the Coasties are not the ones pushing tickets- its the local/NJSP ticket writers who do little else.

Another example of rules are for everyone else but me. People feel it's a personal insult why they get picked to be boarded. Ridiculous!

Does anyone realize how much it costs to run a 150' CG cutter and send 8 man crews out in zodiacs? The capital expense is probably $4mm a year or about $13000 a day plus $1000 for fuel and $24000 to fund a crew. Thats $40k to do maybe 10 boats a day on average?! Or $4000 to inspect a single boat!?! And they spent $12k on me in 10 mos? I have been boating for 55 years and have never had a mishap. The worst I ever had was an life preserver they said had a puncture in the plastic lining (based on some sort of squeeze test he did).

Like I said, there has to be a better way if the goal is to do safety inspections.[/QUOTE]

08-07-2018, 12:15 PM
If local/state authorities are not allowed to detain a vehicle without reasonable suspicion of a crime committed, why are FG/SP/CG allowed to detain boats and crew without reasonable suspicion of a crime committed?

I'm pro police so I don't want this to viewed a slap in the face to them...just honestly do not know the answer.

08-15-2018, 02:24 PM
I got boarded on a crabbing rental out of Red Bank. I come to find out that the boats registration was expired.

08-15-2018, 04:17 PM
I don't think these guys are hired for this job or bought boats just for this. If not they would be doing something else. It's not real money spent just to do this- just self-serving stats. They would be spending the same amount if they sat at a dock and barbecued all day.

A once year inspection will check overloading, burned out running lights at night, removed back fire arrestors, insufficient PFD's that fit those on the boat that day, illegal federal waters fishing and possession? Hardly. Or when you nearly run down some clown night fishing off Hoffman Island with his only working lights are on his dash board - you'd wish they were there too.

For this "as needed" scheme to work you have to check every boat leaving the dock or ramp. And for the most part the Coasties are not the ones pushing tickets- its the local/NJSP ticket writers who do little else.

Another example of rules are for everyone else but me. People feel it's a personal insult why they get picked to be boarded. Ridiculous!

Does anyone realize how much it costs to run a 150' CG cutter and send 8 man crews out in zodiacs? The capital expense is probably $4mm a year or about $13000 a day plus $1000 for fuel and $24000 to fund a crew. Thats $40k to do maybe 10 boats a day on average?! Or $4000 to inspect a single boat!?! And they spent $12k on me in 10 mos? I have been boating for 55 years and have never had a mishap. The worst I ever had was an life preserver they said had a puncture in the plastic lining (based on some sort of squeeze test he did).

Like I said, there has to be a better way if the goal is to do safety inspections.[/QUOTE]

Cappy, if it is costing $4k to do an inspection of a single boat, how can you possibly justify that as a tax paying citizen? And what is your justification for spending $12k to board the same boat in 9 mos? You have none so cut the BS. This is a waste of resources and I hope the current administration does something about it.

08-15-2018, 04:20 PM
If local/state authorities are not allowed to detain a vehicle without reasonable suspicion of a crime committed, why are FG/SP/CG allowed to detain boats and crew without reasonable suspicion of a crime committed?

I'm pro police so I don't want this to viewed a slap in the face to them...just honestly do not know the answer.

There you go. That is a perfectly valid argument that addresses the personal rights issue. The worst part is this. They are targeting recreational fishermen who are probably the most law abiding and helpful people in the country.

Gerry Zagorski
08-16-2018, 05:19 AM
Not to make light of this but a funny related story...

A few years back we had the NJ Fish and game come see us when we docked the boat in it's slip... That year they kept one of their boats a peer away from us so they were there pretty often hanging around the docks...

This young office boards the boat and asks to measure our Fluke...

He takes out this lame small tape measure, the kind you'd find on a key chain and I couldn't resist giving him a little ribbing...

"Where'd you get that tape measure Officer, from a Barbie set? :D

Well he didn't think it was funny and shot me a look :mad:

Needless to say every time he saw us at the dock or on the water we were boarded but he had upgraded to a more manly tape measure..

I was tempted several times to mention something about the old Barbie tape measure but decided although funny, it would not be very smart.

08-16-2018, 10:27 AM
There should be a system in place that allows the coast guard to check boats at ramps and marinas for safety checks not in the open water unless they clearly see a violation...also fish and game can board you to check your catch and move on...I have been boarded where fish and game are asking me safety check questions and i actually asked them " doesn't the coast guard check up on that." I didn't get clear answer....I just think with these licenses that we need now which are free.. give anyone with marine authority to stop your boat at anytime...and use any excuse to do so

Capt. Debbie
08-17-2018, 03:32 PM
It's a law called Implied Consent.

Meaning... By boating in NJ waters ( up to 3 miles offshore) they can board you at will. USCG can board you federal waters or international waters (the ocean, anything that navigably connects to ocean or any multistate lakes) as a US flagged vessel beyond 12 miles.

USCG also dont care about licenses ( unless for hire or inspected vessels) since it MUST violate a federal law for them to have jurisdiction. BWI- the USCG have no jurisdiction to arrest andcharge as a BWI ….you know that right?

If local/state authorities are not allowed to detain a vehicle without reasonable suspicion of a crime committed, why are FG/SP/CG allowed to detain boats and crew without reasonable suspicion of a crime committed?

I'm pro police so I don't want this to viewed a slap in the face to them...just honestly do not know the answer.