08-05-2018, 12:54 PM
Just want to say thank you to Danny and Al for inviting me to fish. Had a great time. Anyways got down to the boat around 5ish. It was pouring rain at my house when I left but by the time I got on the parkway it had stopped. Got all loaded up and off we went. The bay wasnt that bad and we made good time to the hook. Slowed down to round the hook and it wasnt pretty but not that bad. As we made our way down it got nautical out quick. Lol. Took our time and stopped at the first spot. I was figuring I was gonna need 8oz plus to hold but we were moving at a nice pace. 6oz was fine. We started filling the box quick with all nice sized fished. It was still early and we were going along when Al hooked into a real nice fish! Got the big girl to the surface and into the net she went! We were all saying around 9# or so but couldn't get a good read with the scale. So we kept on fishing looking for a bigger one. We easily had our 4 man limit in the box by 10am. We moved around and tried some other spots looking for a big girl. We were swinging 20in fish. Danny tried lifting a easy 5# one. Lol. We fished till a little after 2. Bite kinda slowed down we all donated 100 pounds of lead to the ocean! Now as all of this was happening there was like 3 good storms that moved through as we were fishing. We got wet to say the least. It was kinda funny bc we must have put our rain jackets on and off like 20 times. Haha. No lighting that I saw so that's a good thing. But as the day went on it got nicer and nicer out. The ride in was good and some wild clouds all over. So we made our way to the weigh in spot and docked and Al brought his fish up and put her on the table. Measured out at 27 and a half inches and weighed in at 8.43# Nice fish. Then we made our way back home. Cleaned the fish up and cleaned the boat. All in all it was a great day. Lots of laughs. Thanks again guys! ?_nc_cat=0&oh=e4081228b307a82d62f7ee48739175da&oe=5BFD5DF8 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=9639ed2386131366d239955c3ba03ded&oe=5C0ADD33 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=df3a66aade923ba7cd111d4ab34fc204&oe=5BCC6A46 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=4e84c6ff9f781d029a5423de52b50ae0&oe=5C042D90 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=05028e939ad908b66b04627ed2f2d10e&oe=5BCC22DC ?_nc_cat=0&oh=1c92b162a04c6eb023d7df488820ad61&oe=5C09F011 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=38f697a26234fdbc837b6d3e84eb1683&oe=5BD32D4E ?_nc_cat=0&oh=87f58108503519d1b76d593ab100199a&oe=5BD3A507 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=e4081228b307a82d62f7ee48739175da&oe=5BFD5DF8 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=9639ed2386131366d239955c3ba03ded&oe=5C0ADD33 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=df3a66aade923ba7cd111d4ab34fc204&oe=5BCC6A46 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=4e84c6ff9f781d029a5423de52b50ae0&oe=5C042D90 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=05028e939ad908b66b04627ed2f2d10e&oe=5BCC22DC ?_nc_cat=0&oh=1c92b162a04c6eb023d7df488820ad61&oe=5C09F011 ?_nc_cat=0&oh=38f697a26234fdbc837b6d3e84eb1683&oe=5BD32D4E ?_nc_cat=0&oh=87f58108503519d1b76d593ab100199a&oe=5BD3A507