View Full Version : Corson's Inlet, Any Sugggestions?

Tony Cav
08-02-2018, 06:23 PM
So my Bro has invited me down for an overnight stay at his vacation rental.
He is not the fisher type but wants to give it a try around Corson inlet. He did say something about a small boat rental. I take it that it's not like the Manasquan Inlet with a paved walk way, rail and close proximity to the car.
Needless to say, I am clueless and hope somebody can give me some simple suggestions concerning bait shops, fluke fishing, access.

Thanks much in advance, Tony Cav

Mike K
08-02-2018, 09:00 PM
So my Bro has invited me down for an overnight stay at his vacation rental.
He is not the fisher type but wants to give it a try around Corson inlet. He did say something about a small boat rental. I take it that it's not like the Manasquan Inlet with a paved walk way, rail and close proximity to the car.
Needless to say, I am clueless and hope somebody can give me some simple suggestions concerning bait shops, fluke fishing, access.

Thanks much in advance, Tony Cav

I dock my boat in Strathmere which is on the south side of Corson's. One thing you need to know is that Corson's Inlet is not "engineered". There are no buoys and this past spring a large sandbar formed preventing most boats from entering the ocean. That being said, there are endless fishing opportunities in this area without ever venturing into the ocean. You can fish off the bridge near the boat ramp, although you're rather high up. If you rent a boat, there are still Fluke around and they're often just south of the bridge, this time of year. It's really a beautiful area, especially in the evenings.

08-03-2018, 08:42 AM
There are rental boats at Whale Creek Marina. located in Strathmere about 1 mile south of Corsons Inlet. There are endless fluke fishing possibilities but the ratio of shorts to keepers is well beyond 10 to 1. I may be there tmrw because of the high probability of thunderstorms keeping me stuck in the back.
My last trip there 2 weeks ago yielded 4 keepers to 21" and upwards of 50 shorts. Most productive areas were the sod banks in Ben Hands Thorofare and the channel in front of the Duville Inn. Don't forget the bug spray!