View Full Version : Pier Fishing - Rod Reel Selection

08-02-2018, 10:37 AM
I just started saltwater fishing again for the first time in 20 years. I'm looking for advice on getting a spinning Rod and Reel for pier fishing to catch Fluke and similarly sized fish. Advice I have read and heard so far says 8 Foot Rod w/ Medium Heavy power. I would prefer a 2 piece rod for travel purposes but i'm having trouble finding one so I may have to go 1 piece. I would like to keep it under $100 but would go up to $150.

Not sure what I am keeping but I have bought the following online so I can see them. Waiting for shipments:

Penn Pursuit II Spinning Combo (8ft, Medium Heavy, Reel size 6000, 2 piece) - I think the reel size is way too big for what I need.

Abu Garcia Cardinal Bruiser (7ft, Medium Heavy, no info on the reel) - only $39 so I'm guessing very cheap but reviews are good.

Penn Battle II 5000 reel only ($68 at Walmart, was $119)- Not sure what rod to pair it with.

***I'm not totally against a 7 foot rod or a medium power rod I'm just not sure how they hold up on a pier which is why I'm looking for advice.

08-02-2018, 04:32 PM
Tsunami makes some nice 3 piece rods at a reasonable price.

My advice is to go to a well stocked bait and tackle shop near where you want to fish and ask their advice. Your likely to be happy with your purchase and get some valuable information.