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View Full Version : Sunday Fluking

07-29-2018, 11:36 PM
Well today dad and I fished on a NS boat of Belmar. Pulled out around 630am and we were on our way. Day started with wind against tide so we weren't moving to fast but there was still fish coming over the rails. Had to weed through the shorts to find them keepers. Never really had great conditions but wasnt bad. Dad got the first keeper today. I followed em up next drift with one. Then wacked another keeper. But after that I had a tough day. Lots of shorts and few birds. I got my seabass limit with 2 nice knuckleheads and 2 decent keepers. But I just couldnt get anything going. Well unlike me dad was doing good. He was weeding through the shorts but he ended the day with 4 keepers (only keeping his limit) and his seabass limit. Fishing wasnt red hot but still have a great time out there. The weather was beautiful out there. On our way in we ran into a monster pod of dolphins! They were everywhere! It was wild. Definitely was a sight to see!

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07-30-2018, 08:32 AM
Nice to get out with Dad :) Solid report, nice Sunday

07-30-2018, 10:05 AM
Nice report and photos as always!

shrimpman steve
07-30-2018, 11:42 AM
Very nice!! Please send my best to dad

07-30-2018, 08:21 PM
Very nice!! Please send my best to dad

Will do. Hope all is well on your end