View Full Version : Who's paying?

07-28-2018, 02:25 PM
The folks who put up the signs I hope

07-28-2018, 05:35 PM
These people and towns are scum of the earth. Blood sucking leaches. They want us to pay their bills. I hope the next storm gets them all at home at night. Any questions on how I feel?

07-28-2018, 07:39 PM
More tax payer money wasted on pumping sand back onto private beaches ?

Their house on the beach gets wiped out, you and I pay for it !

Reel Class
07-30-2018, 07:43 AM
The folks who put up the signs I hope

Vision beach is a private complex IN Ortley Beach, in Toms River Township. To my knowledge, Vision Beach is the ONLY PRIVATE beach in Toms River Township, and more specifically in Ortley. We have approximately 1 mile of PUBLIC beach from Harding Ave in Ortley all the way up to Dover Ave/2nd Ave on the border of Lavallette. To the best of my knowledge, ALL OF TOMS RIVER'S BEACHES IN ORTLEY ARE RECEIVING THE REPLENISHMENT, NOT JUST THE ONE PRIVATE BEACH!

Flygaff, just to clarify: You're wishing me (who is a full time resident here in Ortley Beach, where Bruce took the pictures), and my neighbors homes, lives, children and pets are taken away at night by a storm, and are basically hoping we "lose everything" in a storm (maybe even our lives)? Those are strong, harsh words, if that's what you meant.

Reel Class
07-30-2018, 07:45 AM
More tax payer money wasted on pumping sand back onto private beaches ?

Their house on the beach gets wiped out, you and I pay for it !


07-30-2018, 08:26 AM
Vision beach is a private complex IN Ortley Beach, in Toms River Township. To my knowledge, Vision Beach is the ONLY PRIVATE beach in Toms River Township, and more specifically in Ortley. We have approximately 1 mile of PUBLIC beach from Harding Ave in Ortley all the way up to Dover Ave/2nd Ave on the border of Lavallette. To the best of my knowledge, ALL OF TOMS RIVER'S BEACHES IN ORTLEY ARE RECEIVING THE REPLENISHMENT, NOT JUST THE ONE PRIVATE BEACH!

Flygaff, just to clarify: You're wishing me (who is a full time resident here in Ortley Beach, where Bruce took the pictures), and my neighbors homes, lives, children and pets are taken away at night by a storm, and are basically hoping we "lose everything" in a storm (maybe even our lives)? Those are strong, harsh words, if that's what you meant.

If we have to continue to PAY YOUR BILLS and support your private beaches, Yes that pretty much sums it up.

Reel Class
07-30-2018, 09:27 AM
If we have to continue to PAY YOUR BILLS and support your private beaches, Yes that pretty much sums it up.

That’s the only private beach in ortley. It’s probably 1/16th of a mile long, if that. The rest of the beach, about a full mile in length is PUBLIC. Seaside Lavalette etc are also all public. Being a full time resident of ortley we don’t pay any fees to “vision beach” And residents there pay their taxes to Toms River.

So please tell me, how YOU sir are paying for beach replenishment or if, god forbid another storm comes, how you’re paying for residents homes to be rebuilt.

Better yet, show me your bill for this. I’d love to see it.

07-30-2018, 10:13 AM
You're missing the point completely. You have a private beach that only a select few can access. If you want beach replenishment, then those select few should pay the ENTIRE bill for whatever length of beach you have to be replenished. Is that so hard to understand? It doesn't matter how small your exclusive little club is or how much public beach is around you. OTHER people are paying to replenish YOUR beach that they are not legally allowed to access. How is that in any way fair, right, or just?

Capt. Debbie
07-30-2018, 10:17 AM
You sound a little bitter. Yes the private beaches like the eyesores in Sea Bright (Private steps) and Deal ( zone out no parking /residents only for blocks near our beaches) are rich people using our state & federal money. Property tax does not pay for dredging and town boundary ends at the hi water water.

So any ocean bottom sand moved has nothing to do with the town- riparian in nature it's the THE STATE.

But its' a little harsh wishing their demise . I could care less about their ocean front investment property. Bad investment- that's what insurance is for. Just another rich guy will replace him anyway.

However, the scant few Oceanside year-rounders that's their typical retirement home. Somebody's grandparents.

These people and towns are scum of the earth. Blood sucking leaches. They want us to pay their bills. I hope the next storm gets them all at home at night. Any questions on how I feel?

Capt. Debbie
07-30-2018, 10:19 AM
When the city repaves a street do they also repave your driveway? Is the point. Perhaps a little heavy handed though in vehemence

You're missing the point completely. You have a private beach that only a select few can access. If you want beach replenishment, then those select few should pay the ENTIRE bill for whatever length of beach you have to be replenished. Is that so hard to understand? It doesn't matter how small your exclusive little club is or how much public beach is around you. OTHER people are paying to replenish YOUR beach that they are not legally allowed to access. How is that in any way fair, right, or just?

Reel Class
07-30-2018, 11:31 AM
You're missing the point completely. You have a private beach that only a select few can access. If you want beach replenishment, then those select few should pay the ENTIRE bill for whatever length of beach you have to be replenished. Is that so hard to understand? It doesn't matter how small your exclusive little club is or how much public beach is around you. OTHER people are paying to replenish YOUR beach that they are not legally allowed to access. How is that in any way fair, right, or just?

I just want to clarify I DONT live at vision beach and we use our public access beach in ortley and have since my grandfather bought our house in 1963. I have never been on that beach and don’t plan on accessing the beach from there.

And to clarify further it’s still Toms Rivers beach - the ACCESS to it is private from what I understand. Again those people pay taxes to TR - again it’s the access and parking that are for the people there.

I kind of understand your point, and I get the gripes about the private access, but the main target of the replenishment is TR’s beaches as a whole and that includes this particular private beach.

07-30-2018, 11:34 AM
If you look you can see that the signs are from Private beaches which really shouldn't be private! yes the property of the home owners but not the sand of course we all have the right to be from the high tide line to the water but most of these beaches will not even you let you go thru. Bay Head is having a big battle with the state because this year they are not allowing people the right to go down and surf fish (that law was passed 4 or 5 years ago) but don't tell these towns that, and it looks like if Bay Head doesn't let people thru to fish they will not get any beach replenishment. And yes I am old as dirt and been here way to long, I remember when maybe 1 or 2 beaches actually had badges but let you thru to fish or surf, but greedy people from else were moved here and saw dollars when we saw clean empty beaches

shrimpman steve
07-30-2018, 11:39 AM
I hate to get involved but the fact is we do pay to rebuild these structures on the beach when a storm comes. Private insurance companies do not write flood insurance in flood zones. It is underwritten and subsided by FEMA (the government). Let’s all remember that the government does not make money. They take it thru taxes. So I beleive the general public does contribute to all of the rebuilding after a storm.

With that said I would never wish harm to someone’s life and possessions.

07-30-2018, 01:57 PM
Wonder why surf fishing sucks.

07-30-2018, 04:35 PM
do you really want to ask some good questions? hows about why did we all pay for the replenishment of the beach in front of the ocean club at mantaloking but that stretch of beach stays private and is guarded by brick ocean rescue and still not open to the public. that stretch of beach is at least 500 feet wide and has no right to be kept private after the constant bailouts of beach replenishment.

07-30-2018, 10:51 PM
Im sorry to get into the conversation guys but in I have doubts about beach access isn't that part of a public thrust fund that everyone should have access to the beach even in private roads owners cannot block access to beach?. Also Fema assigned funds for beach replenishment because they are "barrier islands" but they will no longer help rebuild houses or insured after Sandy I believe thats why they were trying to buy out people that live in ocean front and those who stay will have to pay for dunes to protect their current houses in the future.

07-31-2018, 10:13 AM
sigh... you know the rest of us are paying to subsidize your flood insurance, right? :rolleyes:

Flygaff, just to clarify: You're wishing me (who is a full time resident here in Ortley Beach, where Bruce took the pictures), and my neighbors homes, lives, children and pets are taken away at night by a storm, and are basically hoping we "lose everything" in a storm (maybe even our lives)? Those are strong, harsh words, if that's what you meant.
I think all that he meant (and what I think too) is that the rest of us don't want to pay to rebuild your or your neighbors homes the next time there is a storm. If you want to live somewhere that disasters are known to occur, that's fine, hopefully you will take whatever precautions are required structurally and financially. But whatever you do, don't make the rest of us foot any of the bills... for the house, for the beach, whatever, we didn't build houses on the sand, why are we paying for it?????