View Full Version : ClearWater, FL recommendations

Good Times
07-26-2018, 06:38 PM
Whats up NJF!! Heading down to Clearwater, FL for a little over a week and was wondering if anyone recommends a charter to jump on, as well as any info on what's biting this time of year. I'm hoping for some bottom fishing.
Thank you

07-26-2018, 07:49 PM
Whats up NJF!! Heading down to Clearwater, FL for a little over a week and was wondering if anyone recommends a charter to jump on, as well as any info on what's biting this time of year. I'm hoping for some bottom fishing.
Thank you

Carlos Bastos formally of Andreas toy
Bottoms up fishing
Exspecislly if you want to go for grouper and other bottom dwellers
He is in Tarpon Springs

07-26-2018, 10:15 PM
hey GT,
This time of year you can expect to catch amberjacks offshore as well as the traditional red snappers but they are rare these days. my favorite is the small ( ten pound ) black groper and avoid the red groupers as they do not taste .. Barracuda, mahi,tuna are also a regular catch..the big marina on the main drag has literally hundreds of boats..in the evening you can walk around see a mate ask questions ect…
the marina also has a huge info center where you can sign up for a solo spot with out having to pay for a whole charter. I hope this helps.
If you can drive to madeira beach I recommend hubbards fishing fleet home of the florida fisherman...famous fishing fleet/family and they have dozens of charters daily...sorry its not clearwater...

07-26-2018, 11:16 PM
try capt carlos bastos out of tarpon springs a short ride from Clearwater mvp fished with him very impressive. Clearwater boats are for tourists

Andreas Toy
07-27-2018, 05:50 AM
Hey good times just talked to CArlos yesterday he has
Been fishing everyday weather permitting. One of the best
Bottom Fisherman I know, catches other cool species like
Cobia and Kings.

Good Times
07-27-2018, 11:55 AM
Thanks for the info!! Called Captain Carlos and left message. Seems like he is highly recommended.

Thanks also for all the info about Clearwater charter boats, but I was there a few years ago and agree that those boats are 100% for tourists. I had asked a ton of questions to a lot of those captains and I can tell they would rather not deal with an avid fisherman. I think their target clients are families looking for a small thrill, but still a good place to get some info.

I'll follow up with you all as soon as I hear back from the captain!

Good Times
08-09-2018, 01:22 PM

I booked Captain Carlos (Bottoms Up Fishing). Had an AMAZING time on the water. I want to thank everyone that recommended him. We had a blast, I told him I don't care what we catch as long as the kids were on lock and load fishing. Ohh man did he keep his promise. All the gray snapper you can catch plus all types of other species we released. My daughter also hooked into a large grouper that ran like a bat out of hell but ended up breaking off.

Captain Carlos and James (crew) offered GRADE A service. Besides their regular responsibilities of putting us on fish, baiting kids rods, unhooking fish etc. they were extremely energetic and had great personalities.

Bottoms Up Fishing is officially my go to charter next time I'm in the area.

Thanks again for the recommendation.

08-10-2018, 01:11 PM
nice trip, the kids faces tell the story of a good day