View Full Version : "Victory at Sea"

07-22-2018, 11:06 AM
Some of the old timers and history buffs may remember this documentary series from the 50's. Most memorable were the opening credits which depicted
heavy seas and epic theme music. It can can be found on You Tube.
Well, that's what it was like fishing yesterday with all of that heavy east wind!
I was out fluking on the Capt. Cal II out of Belmar 20-25 people on board. Getting out of the Shark river inlet was rocking and rolling. Crazy drift and sporty seas,so we stuck to fishing mussel beds and avoided the sticky bottoms. Not too bad at first but got progressively more jumpy as the winds and seas picked up. By mid-morning the cabin began to resemble sick bay as a lot of folks became sea sick. Fishing was slow all day. Those left at the rail managed to pick up a few keeper sea bass but only a handful of keeper fluke were caught. I managed to get one keeper fluke that held up to be the pool winner. She went for a red jig head tipped with a 5 " pink shine grub and was every bit as angry as the ocean on the way up.

Capt. Ron and crew Frank and Greg did a great job as always.

The inlet jetties on the way back were mostly awash due to the rough surf and high tide in Mid Afternoon. Quite a sight to see out there!

It was a hellava day at sea!

07-22-2018, 11:52 AM
Some of the old timers and history buffs may remember this documentary series from the 50's. Most memorable were the opening credits which depicted
heavy seas and epic theme music. It can can be found on You Tube.
Well, that's what it was like fishing yesterday with all of that heavy east wind!
I was out fluking on the Capt. Cal II out of Belmar 20-25 people on board. Getting out of the Shark river inlet was rocking and rolling. Crazy drift and sporty seas,so we stuck to fishing mussel beds and avoided the sticky bottoms. Not too bad at first but got progressively more jumpy as the winds and seas picked up. By mid-morning the cabin began to resemble sick bay as a lot of folks became sea sick. Fishing was slow all day. Those left at the rail managed to pick up a few keeper sea bass but only a handful of keeper fluke were caught. I managed to get one keeper fluke that held up to be the pool winner. She went for a red jig head tipped with a 5 " pink shine grub and was every bit as angry as the ocean on the way up.

Capt. Ron and crew Frank and Greg did a great job as always.

The inlet jetties on the way back were mostly awash due to the rough surf and high tide in Mid Afternoon. Quite a sight to see out there!

It was a hellava day at sea!

Sad to say, yes I remember that opening music and video...
Nice picture you painted on what it was like out there.. Been there done that, and when it happens,, I shake my head thinking "WHAT the hell are we doing out here"??.. Is it worth it?- getting sea sick, banged up, fall down when you try and walk into the cabin, pee all over yourself when you have to take a leak, and to top it off, horrific tangles and lousy fishing.. However, we often can't pick the weather, it kind of picks us.. you have to go when you can, and all too often its a day much like your vivid and accurate description... bob

07-22-2018, 12:42 PM
I didn’t even want to try and fish the River yesterday. Late last night at the dock, I felt like we at sea with the waves coming down the river. Still beats a day in the office!

07-22-2018, 02:53 PM
Fishing in the ocean yesterday :eek: the term "SALIVA CHECK" comes to mind

07-22-2018, 04:22 PM
Conditions Saturday were very fishable until about noon.
I was surprised that we were able to fish 8 OZ up until then even with the wind and the tide together.

water was super clean, but as you stated the bite stunk.

tried fishing shark river at after 12 and the drift there as twice as fast as the ocean , and was a lot of sea weed in the mix.

I wouldn't have wanted to be out there after noon as it started to build pretty quick, and im sure at 4 would have doubled again

07-22-2018, 09:58 PM
I fished Saturday and was holding bottom with 6oz till 1130 and then it started to get nautical out and we headed in