View Full Version : 4th July Monger Massacre

Joey Dah Fish
07-04-2018, 04:21 PM
Got an invite from Capt Jerry for trip this morning. Well it was flat out game on the minute we dropped. Lights out made short work of our 14 man limit plus another 10 or more keepers released all in about 3 hours. Capt JERRY lives up to his name every day. Damn fun trip back to dock and cleaned by noon. Party time !!!!125003

07-04-2018, 08:36 PM
Nice haul, and to think it usually gets better in August !

07-04-2018, 08:37 PM
Instead of Sportfishing Charters Capt Jerry should change it to... Sport "CATCHING" the funniest thing I heard of guys betting the Capt. MyBest to the Crew.... Happy 4th! CHEERS!