View Full Version : GAMBLER-- Half day fluke and Night fishing

06-27-2018, 08:37 AM
The Gambler has busy with the half day fluke trips. Catches were somewhat slower since the weekend, when we had some northeast wind that churned up the bottom. The fluke fishing should only get better as the seas are calmer. Both traditional bait rigs and bucktail jigging have been catching fish. Shaun Paine is currently leading the monthly fluke derby board with a 7.9 lber taken on a buck tail.

Our night trips picked up starting this past Thursday. Ling are predominanting the catch with anything from small --to baseball-bat 4lbers. Some other species are possible on the night trips, including squid (caught on light tackle under the lights) cod, pollock and flounder.

Our first Shark in the Dark trip is scheduled to go this Sunday, leaving at 7:30PM. The shark trips are limited to 25 passengers or less. There is still room to get on for this Sunday but don't wait, you can buy your tickets online. There is a Shark in the Dark video on our site. Shark in the Dark trips are scheduled for every Sunday night through July.

Hope to see you aboard!