View Full Version : 6/24/18 Fish Monger LingoMania Victory!

06-26-2018, 10:39 AM
Myself & a wild crew joined Captain Jerry, Petey & Ronnald for the LingoMania tournament. Captain told us we were taking a far ride to a temperature break he found on the satellite. Started our drift in 120ft of water & were covered in 12.5-20inch sea bass which we ventilated & released. Moving to 140ft same thing more sea bass but more lings as well, never 1 to be happy Jerry said sit down I got a plan so we steamed so far offshore I could see Portugal & we dropped down into 180ft. No sea bass but drop & swing jumbo ling. Very few hot dogs mostly all mediums on up to some nice 3 & 4lb sluggers! Pout were not bad at all out here as well.

Jake Gyllenhall got a nice flounder to ruin our chance at coupons. Hi hook had over 70, I think between me, Tats & comrade Mansky we prolly had 200 it was so good Directa caught like 35 & a whiting! Philthy Orr crushed the 80s on 8 name that tune & Stephanie showed that ladies can catch just as good as any man! When all was said & done we had 521 ling, 2 mackerel, 2 whiting a flounder & a jumbo flying whiting for me for sashimi. We ended up in first place in the hoffmans ice cream lingomania invitational!

06-26-2018, 10:39 AM
Outfit on fleek

bunker dunker
06-26-2018, 10:47 AM
outstanding your ennamasy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that pic with you on the deck is HOT!!!!!!

Gerry Zagorski
06-26-2018, 11:36 AM
Hail to the King!!

Nice report Murr, glad you loaded up.

Any Mahi :rolleyes::rolleyes: