Joey Tomato
06-17-2018, 07:00 PM
Today was an all together different Day of fantastic Sea Bass Fishing. Seven people fishing and by noon we had our limit. With Thomas Joseph back at the helm it was like all the Sea Bass wanted to land in our boat. Mr Joseph"s was in the hospital for a while and then had to rest before getting back on the water. He says the only time he is near back to normal is when he is on the boat and fishing. We had two Dad's and their son's today celebrating Father's Day. The two young fisherman knocked the socks off their fathers buy catching 3 keepers to their 1. It was a great day with keeper fish dominating the bite. Only a couple more days left for Sea Bass fishing to be over by the 22Nd of this month. If your interested in fishing with one of the best give us a call Captain Joe of Joey Tomato's Fishing Charters. Fishing a Thomas Joseph's fishing charter is an experience you don't want to pass up????? Captain Joe