View Full Version : annual trip for fathers day on monger

06-10-2018, 08:47 PM
Wife, kids, family and friends went on our annual fathers day sea bass trip
Broke inlet to glass like seas
Paused 3+ miles out so my wife could release an ashes pack of my father in law. After 50+ years fishing with her, 30+ years with me and 20+ with our kids, we went with us one last time

Once we arrived on grounds, fast and furious action, shorts out numbered keepers 6/7-1
at 8:45 somebody turned turbo fan on and wind blew 15-20 N-NE and kicked up a good chop
action a bit slower but steady, by end of day had boat limit of sea bass, 5 ling, a few throw back tog and misc crap fish
Returned to dock to find Jmurr holding court and one of the "Z" bros, not sure if he was the good looking one or the mothers favorite but he doesn't own this site. The pulled out with ball busting in full volume, should be interesting report later

Thanks Jerry, Roger and Pete for another great day

06-10-2018, 10:04 PM
Nice trip John. A happy Father's Day for all, a last trip on the Monger is one for Eternity :)

06-11-2018, 06:56 AM
Thanks Larry

Gerry Zagorski
06-11-2018, 07:06 AM
Way to get it done Tax!!