Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-10-2018, 02:56 PM
Sunday, June 10, We had another excellent day today we had a very nice charter headed up by Jim Rambone , and friends , The highlight of the day was Jim’s nine-year-old son julian, who surprised everybody by catching the biggest fish and one of the high hooks, we had a wonderful day with nice people. I am very fortunate to have this type of clientele , most everybody that fishes is with me is like fishing with one of your friends and I think I am lucky to have that type of business , it certainly makes the hard days a little bit easier which fortunately we haven’t had for a while , the fishing has been very very good, which leads me to say that the 10 fish sea bass season is going to come to an end , in about 12 days , this would be a good time to get it together , and come down , and go fishing. There still is lots of great fishing to do afterwards but if you’re a big fan of the sea bass this is your chance to come down and partake in it ,and we have an open boat tomorrow as well as Tuesday and the rest of the week call for information and reservations