View Full Version : mad gaffer sea bass report sat. June 9

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-09-2018, 04:25 PM
We had another excellent day today , with the sea bass , I’m pretty sure we had near a full boat limit, we had The privilege of having out the “fisherman of the sea “ fishing Club headed up by Judge Keven Hips our of Philadelphia, most had a limit, But the size of the fish was very impressive, we had a lot of three and 4 pound fish, Keven took his four-year-old son Adam with us, Adam boosted 18 fish boated and he did manage to keep four , not bad for somebody who isn’t much taller than 3 feet , our next open boat is Monday, we have plenty of spots available , needless to say we only have a couple of weeks left on the 10 fish limit sea bass season , the fishing Has been excellent this might be a good time for you to plan a trip call for information and reservations

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
06-09-2018, 07:21 PM