View Full Version : Night Striped Bass & Limits of Porgies

Black Hawk Fishing
06-08-2018, 08:40 PM
Last night, we had a full boat limit of big striped bass ranging from 28" to near 45lbs. The bass fishing is just getting better and better with every trip. We have added two more trips, for Sunday 6/10 and Monday 6/11, so plan on joining us then. If you want to catch these big fish don't hesitate- space is limited and they fill up fast! Check our Facebook page for some great photos!

Then today, we had a great day of porgy fishing with beautiful weather and a full boat limit of jumbo porgies. The scup were chewing right from the start and continued until the change of the tide and it turned onto a good steady pick from there.

Just a reminder, there is no open trip tomorrow, June 9. Our next open trip is Sunday, June 10 at 6:00 am. (860) 448-3662 www.blackhawksportfishing.com