View Full Version : Does Stevie "WONDER"....I dont know BUT..

Blackfish Bobby
06-04-2018, 10:33 AM
I don't know about Stevie but Scotty sure can WONDER....rig that is. He is our new wonder rig poster boy. Put on a clinic with it Saturday and again yesterday.... he did it with the rod in his hand yesterday working tight spots ...no dead sticking.
So we made the trip down to the Neversink and found real ugly angry water not fun for my tin boat. Aborted river mission and had some lunch in the Highlands:D. After a couple "Coca-Cola's" I had a hunch. Needed to take the big boat for a bottom cleaning ride which just happened to be on way home and I needed to drop killies off anyay...so I told Scott grab some killies and the wonder rods.
Ran the boat on a very angry Raritan Bay and then ducked in out of the wind to work some structure and holes in the creek.
We fished for an hour and Scotty had the hot hand again......2 shorts a 22 and two 19s. I am finding I have become a good boat handler and mate :eek:
I had 2 shorts and one keeper while holding boat on the spots. Pulled the rabbit out of our hat.
Picked up some clams on the way home and made some crusty garlic bread and fresh Linguini and Clam Sauce for dinner. Then got a belly ache watching the CAVs. Will take the left over clam sauce tonight and cook the fluke in it !!!! ;)

06-04-2018, 06:33 PM
Great report, I love clams !!

Joey Dah Fish
06-04-2018, 07:20 PM
Cause I’m the wonderer yeah I’m the wonderer and round and round and round

Blackfish Bobby
06-04-2018, 08:52 PM
That's it Joey....now you got it.... just like fishing with the rig....the hits just keep on coming...:cool:
Then there is....... Oh I WONDER, WONDER who, sha doo oh oh, who... who wrote the Book Of Love....

06-04-2018, 10:39 PM
I WONDER if the boss knows you're sending out these WONDERFUL fishing reports when you should be working?

Blackfish Bobby
06-05-2018, 08:04 AM
DUPES !!!! Yes... The best hit yet..... THE BOSS....my God ...THE RIVER... We go down to the river...... A WONDER RIG favorite...... You of all people should know.... we launch in Rumson and fish the river.....THE BOSS lives in RUMSON !!!! The best connection without the word WONDER in it....way to go.

Try this musical Wonder Rig brain teaser.....
Scotty has proven that THE WONDER RIG IS DEFINITLEY NOT ONE OF THESE........
Your clue is......"867 - 5309 "

Everyone out there can play as well.....Dupes may need a little help.

two guys rod
06-05-2018, 08:14 AM
I'll say "one hit wonders" for the answer to your query Blackfish

Blackfish Bobby
06-05-2018, 12:12 PM
Ding ding ding ding.....We have a winner .....YES !!!! Correct....

Thanks for playing along...send me your address in a PM and I will send you a WONDERful surprise !!!! :D

06-05-2018, 12:46 PM
did Murphy already legalize over there?:D

06-06-2018, 09:44 PM
I can verify that Bobby Kush does not partake. He does like his rum though!

Blackfish Bobby
06-07-2018, 09:40 AM
TWO GUYS>>>> Send me your address in PM

06-07-2018, 10:35 AM
We r still talking about this glorified bait rig. . .

Blackfish Bobby
06-07-2018, 08:09 PM
Now that you mention it .... yes we are.... Just back from quick trip in Matawan Creek...... 15 fish... fished two WONDER Rigs..... Three 20 inch fish in the box...
Just had a rig tying seminar in my Marina for a couple more Koolade drinkers. They fished the bay for el skunko...:eek:

06-07-2018, 09:19 PM
Its just a killie on a long leader with small hook. Of course it works in the rivers bc they r feeding on killies. Take that rig out to where the big boys play and your not going to have as much success. Im sure the fact that you have spots that you know hold fish comes into play as well. If you dont know where the fish are holding then your not going to catch shit.. You could drag that killie around for miles but if you are not in the right area there is no fluke to eat it. Ill hand it to you. You catch fish with it but i dont see what all the hype is about. My friend fished shark river the other day and used just the normal jig and teaser set up with gulp and no bait and had his limit not keeping anything under 19in in 3 and a half hours...

06-08-2018, 11:47 PM
I think Saltlife's a hater. He copied and pasted the same negative post. Sounds like rig envy

06-09-2018, 01:01 AM
I think Saltlife's a hater. He copied and pasted the same negative post. Sounds like rig envy

No im just pointing out the facts. And it wasnt cut and pasted. Dont get all the hype thats all

06-09-2018, 02:23 AM
No im just pointing out the facts. And it wasnt cut and pasted. Dont get all the hype thats all

DoNt gEt AlL tHe HyPe tHaTs AlL..... HaTeR

5 LiMiTs ThIs sEaSoN FiShInG tHe WONDER Rig with Cancun Petes kIlLiEs....

Blackfish Bobby
06-10-2018, 09:14 PM
Nice work on the 5 limits !!!...... I did a WONDERful trial this weekend with a new circle hook approach...... Had the family in Key West a few weeks ago catching 60 to 80 pound Tarpon on 5/0 Mutu Circle hooks... the bait was live pinfish.....
SO.....on much smaller scale I adjusted to the fluke and downsized the hook.....do the math.....Pinfish.....Killie
Stay tuned...... more to come. I could have left my pliers at home.....:D