View Full Version : Hi-Mar Striper Club Spring Tournament -- RESULTS

Tuna Tales
06-03-2018, 01:30 PM
Thank you to EVERYONE for making this year's Hi-Mar Striper Club Spring Tournament a huge success!!

We had a last minute Captain's Meeting location change (due to a water pipe leak @ the Highlands VFW building)

Hi-Mar June 2nd Spring Tournament Results and Winners:
33 boats entered
Most of the stripers were caught very early or later in the day
Ten weigh-ins over 30 lbs with five of those striped bass released alive (nice job guys!)
Additional noted catch and released striped bass throughout the tournament
Largest striped bass weighed in: 49.1 lbs

Two fish tournament:
1st Place: Fin Chaser II: 90.5 lbs (Largest striped bass @ 49.1 lbs)
2nd Place: Billy The Kid: 78.6 lbs
3rd Place: Hog Tide: 74.1 lbs
4th Place: O'Malley's Ocean Pub: 64 lbs
5th Place: Gannet: 63.4 lbs

Lady angler award ($450.00 value): 36.8 lbs

The Hi-Mar Striper Club would like to thank EVERYONE -- especially our Sponsors @ NJfishing.com, Costa, Yeti Coolers, Engel Coolers, Julian's Bait & Tackle, Kevin Bogan's Custom Rods, Tony Maja, Spoon Fed Lures, Atlantic Bait and Tackle, The Reel Seat, The Fisherman Magazine, Simrad and Atlantic Highlands Municipal Marina.

Additional information with a full list of our Sponsors can be found on our website: www.hi-mar.com

Thanks again for everyone who entered -- we hope to see you in October for Hi-Mar's fall (40 Hour) Striped Bass Tournament.


Joe T.