View Full Version : haddock,cod &pollock

bunker dunker
05-29-2018, 08:54 AM
spent the long weekend up north chasing ground fish and man did we find them.
saturday we fished wrecks.it started out a little slow but it kept getting better as the day went on.i was jigging and doing well with pollock & cod to 20 plus ponds.the guys bait fishing did a little better but i think the jig fish were bigger.
the were some nice size hake caught as well.during the night the capt steamed
into some shallower water in search of haddock.they anchored up late while everyone was sleeping.i wake up at 3am and decide to go out and give it a try.
no one else is up and i have the whole stern to myself.first cast the jig hits the bottom and bang,game on.it was a nice haddock and i had them to myself for
an hour and a half.around 5am peeps started coming out and saw me catching
and before you know it the whole boat is catching haddock non stop.i guess it lasted till 8am before the current was just to much,ya need 2lbs to hold.so the capt say we are going to make a few drifts and see what happens.our first drift was 5 miles long and we were catching the entire time.we made 2 drifts and everyone on board had what the wanted and we headed in.there was a 40 or so pound halibut caught and we missed several big fish also.the weather was a bit sporty but the fishing was great.

05-30-2018, 10:21 AM
Great rpt and that was awesome picture of your son with Andre! You guys should pose for one! Here's a quick story of cod fishing in the 80's at night on the Starship. Your haddock story brought back a memory. Folks would all go to bed some like myself and a few others wete always restless. We would fish and if we started to get any action but we all knew we had to be quiet otherwise the masses would come. So we would get the unused mattresses and put them on the deck so when we swung a cod or hake aboard they would land along with the sinker on them and not make any noise. You know how it goes one guy would go back down to tell a friend ect etc lol
It's amazing the whole decade in the 80's I saw only 1 haddock. Btw, the mattresses were hossed off after being used. 😜😜

bunker dunker
05-31-2018, 12:27 PM
lol!!!! great story.it's nice having"me time" at 3:30am in a great hado bite.i thought about waking up some peeps but that only lasted seconds(lol}.it makes ya feel good that there is still some of that "old time" fishing around.

05-31-2018, 03:28 PM
Awesome report! What charter did you use?

06-01-2018, 08:24 AM
I only got 4 cod, which doesn't sound like much.
However, considering the fact that I did not go on the trip, I did pretty well!

bunker dunker
06-01-2018, 09:04 AM
lol,the only way to get them!!!!!should of been there.

06-01-2018, 09:25 AM
lol,the only way to get them!!!!!should of been there.

I was there.
And, at the right time, too.
A few minutes before you backed into the slip!

bunker dunker
06-01-2018, 09:40 AM
yes,fresh cod,pollock and haddock sure do make people smile.sure hope we can
get back at them soon.