View Full Version : you can never go home...

05-27-2018, 09:37 AM
grew up in hillsborough, left on 1980...to say you cant go back is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!

dahms and myers ponds are now houses...
millstone sport shop- nope
griggstown corner store- nope
least colonial park and the canal are still where theyre supposed to be!

anyway, looks like i will be spending some time back here and have 2 new friends (9 / 11 yrs old) to introduce to freshwater fishing.

but, i need some help...1st, where am i headed for bait and tackle?!
next, any new to me places i can try?
sorta got away from freshwater once i discovered the ocean.

looking forward to RE discovering the old stomping grounds (and not having to ride my bike)

thanks in advance!!

05-27-2018, 10:56 AM
The Sporting Life on Rt. 22 in Whitehouse for ALL your fishing needs,



So many places to go fishing !!

05-27-2018, 11:02 AM
For tackle/bait Sporting Life on rt 22 in whitehouse. Efingers also closed down so I think that would be the nearest shop.

Id give the raritan a shot. Ive seen people fish the locks on the canal too with live bait on dropshots do well.

Lard Almighty
05-27-2018, 11:35 AM
I haven't fished Colonial Park in a few years, but I'll bet that it's still got a lot of sunfish and crappie in it, and would be a great place to get the kids started. The big lake gets stocked with trout as well, and it also has some decent largemouths. Plenty of fish in the canal too, panfish, bass, pickerel, and some decent sized channel cats. Don't need anything fancy, a worm/shiner under a bobber or on the bottom will work just fine. A few of the convenience stores in that area used to sell those pak-a-bait cans of worms, which are kind of a gamble, but they'll work in a pinch. Don't know if they're still available anywhere.

05-27-2018, 05:11 PM
I’d fish the canal with chicken livers and worms with the kids. There’s a lot going on there. :D