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Black Hawk Fishing
05-19-2018, 08:50 PM
We had a bit of weather to deal with today which made things a little harder but we still accomplished the goal. In addition to the rain we had an easterly wind to deal with too. Almost everyone had their limit of porgies and those that didn't were not far off. We head back out tomorrow at 6am for more spring scup. We will also head out on Tuesday, May 22 and Thursday, May 24, both trips leaving at 6am. Come down and join us. Bring your lunch and catch your dinner!

Also, last night was our first night bluefish trip. We had a nice mix of blues and striped bass. Unfortunately, we had a strong wind to contend with all night,which hampered the fishing while we were anchored and made for a very cold night. We started out with diamond jigs while we still had some daylight and picked up a bunch of big blues and bass up to 32 inches. The bite slowed down when the sun set, but those that stuck it out at the rails picked up on a few more fish.
We will have two more night bluefish trips over the Memorial Day weekend May 26th and 27th. Tickets will be available online soon, so stay posted and get your spot on the boat for these two Memorial Day Madness trips.
www.blackhawksportfishing.com (860) 448-3662