No Limit
05-18-2018, 03:53 PM
Black drum fishing in the bay remains red hot! We got out on Tuesday for a couple of hours and hooked up immediately landing our fish fish in just a couple of minutes. Went 6 for 8 in just two hours on fish up to 55lbs.
The last two days of seabass fishing has been red hot as well. We had a small group out on Wednesday and we wrapped up our 5 man boat limit in less than two hours. Thursday we had a full crew and had our 8 man limit of 120 fish in two hours. Quality was great with a majority of the fish between 2-2.5lbs.
I have availability on Monday 5/21 for a drum trip or Tuesday 5/22 for seabass get your trip booked while the fishing is good.
Call or text anytime
302-345-0545 Jon
The last two days of seabass fishing has been red hot as well. We had a small group out on Wednesday and we wrapped up our 5 man boat limit in less than two hours. Thursday we had a full crew and had our 8 man limit of 120 fish in two hours. Quality was great with a majority of the fish between 2-2.5lbs.
I have availability on Monday 5/21 for a drum trip or Tuesday 5/22 for seabass get your trip booked while the fishing is good.
Call or text anytime
302-345-0545 Jon