View Full Version : WATER PROOF May Sea Bass and Stripers

Water Proof
05-17-2018, 08:17 PM
Sea Bass was very good today for us with a full boat limit in just two stops .. quality was very good as well. We have a few spots left for the rest of the Spring season ... did a little scouting last few days and ocean Stripers are finally here so we are adding 4pm-9pm after work trips while the fish are local .. PM Striper trips are $600 for up to 6 people

Sea Bass: $150 per person / 5am - 2pm

May 29 - 3 spots
June 2 - 1 spot

Mark (201) 988-5475 call or text

Water Proof
05-19-2018, 09:27 PM
Sea Bass schedule updated ...

We have added evening "after work" Striper trips for the next few weeks as the large Stripers are finally in the ocean locally .. WATER PROOF has a 200 gallon built in livewell, so bait fishing is our preferred method. Trips are 4pm - 9pm ..

$600 for up to 6 guys

Mark (201) 988-5475 call or text