View Full Version : o/b or charter stripers or fluke the entire month of june

Papa's Angels
05-17-2018, 04:25 PM
the recovery period for recent hernia surgery that I'm going thru is almost over I will be running o/b trips or charters during the day targeting stripers and fluke on a daily basis, in addition I will run a working mans special trip from 3 to 8pm when ever possible, I can accept bookings now for any of these trips, and a special thanks for all those who called me with best wishes, thanks again capt joe papa's angels charters.

05-18-2018, 08:37 PM
Feel better Capt Joe! Dad and I are routing for you. If you need anything this season please dont hesitate to give me or Dad a call!!

Papa's Angels
05-19-2018, 12:34 PM
Thanks to you both I will.