View Full Version : Becareful what you post
05-16-2018, 09:58 AM
I have seen a couple of people posting that they went out prospecting looking for a species that's out of season and they post pictures of their catch, guys use a little common sense, Fish and Game will knock on your door and fine you if they have the time. just my 2 cents
05-16-2018, 10:13 AM
Guys who post out of season catch should be find and persecuted not warned.
05-16-2018, 02:08 PM
I haven't seen anything like that on here, but maybe I missed it. Assuming you're talking about fluke, I've only seen NY posts, where it's open.
bunker dunker
05-16-2018, 02:15 PM
please stop!!!!! no more,please!!
05-16-2018, 02:47 PM
As they long as they release it, who cares. I've met plenty of local fish and game people local to me and not one cared if I fluked before the season started, only cared if they were kept.
05-16-2018, 03:13 PM
Guys who post out of season catch should be find and persecuted not warned.
Saw the picks. I can’t take a pulse from a picture but those fish don’t look happy. Pics appear to be from on a party boat. Not a very sportsmanship thing to do. I agree, there should be fines.
05-16-2018, 03:38 PM
assuming they know how to safely handle and release a fish (which honestly not many guys do unfortunately) i don't see an issue. rules don't say you can't target them, just that you can't harm them.
same issue as guys keeping big breeder sized fish... if it's legal, it's legal, even though it would be beneficial to the fisheries to release them; if it's within the regulations, it's up to personal choice.
05-16-2018, 03:40 PM
I saw a few picture of some very nice winter flounder.
Haven't seen any fluke.
05-16-2018, 03:48 PM
omg, go join PETA
05-16-2018, 08:06 PM
You cant control what hits your line... No harm in taking pics and releasing.
Four Strings
05-16-2018, 08:45 PM
Guys who post out of season catch should be find and persecuted not warned.
Lighten up, Francis!
05-17-2018, 05:06 AM
Oh my god are you people for real? Your allowed to look for fish just can’t keep them. This is exactly what they want us arguing amongst ourselves! Now we have turned into rats, ratting our friends out so they get fined! Is that what this has come to? We’re all in this together, let’s not fight each other, we’re not the reason we have these regulations!
05-17-2018, 06:40 AM
YES, Be very careful out there!
I received a F & W summons, in the mail, just the other day. It quoted Rule 13, section F. Paragraph B. Rule:13 specifically states that you can also be arrested, fined (Up to 22 Drachmas, and jailed, for posting last years pictures on Face Book and claiming they are from this year!
Who knew?
05-17-2018, 08:34 AM
Fishing in Ontario enacted new law, any fish caught out of season should immediately be released. States that picture taking of fish is illegal-$250. fine. Don't know if NJ laws state the same?
05-17-2018, 08:44 AM
$300 rods, $400 reels, $70-80 for a day out on a party boat, over $150 for a charter, not to mention what it costs if you have your own boat and you guys are so worried about a $100 fine?
05-17-2018, 08:59 AM
Guys who post out of season catch should be find and persecuted not warned.
I disagree, I think they should be fined and prosecuted. Persecuted is a bit harsh, and it could be hard to find them, don't you think!;)
bunker dunker
05-17-2018, 10:04 AM
i liked it allot better when the water front was tight lipped and people minded there own business.
05-17-2018, 10:49 AM
I think.....well it doesn't really matter what I think. :confused:
05-17-2018, 02:50 PM
If they were to chase down someone based on a photo (highly unlikely), how would they know the fish was caught in NJ waters? Last I looked, my Fluke don’t come with a Caught In New Jersey tag.
Simply tell the officer that you were on a NY party boat.
And for the officers monitoring this, I don’t keep illegal fish!
05-17-2018, 04:27 PM
I talk to a game warden in Kansas from time to time when I am out there hunting. I didn't see him one year and I harvested a nice buck. The next year I ran into him and told him about the buck I got the previous season, He replied "Yea I know I saw it on Facebook." :eek:
05-17-2018, 08:29 PM
I disagree, I think they should be fined and prosecuted. Persecuted is a bit harsh, and it could be hard to find them, don't you think!;)
Well done!
Thank you!!
05-18-2018, 06:47 AM
$300 rods, $400 reels, $70-80 for a day out on a party boat, over $150 for a charter, not to mention what it costs if you have your own boat and you guys are so worried about a $100 fine?
Maybe not so much the fine as getting all the other stuff you mentioned confiscated !!!!!!!!!!!:eek:
05-18-2018, 09:40 AM
Next they’ll send me a fine in the mail for thinking about fluke in January..... WOW!
05-18-2018, 01:57 PM
Oh my god are you people for real? Your allowed to look for fish just can’t keep them. This is exactly what they want us arguing amongst ourselves! Now we have turned into rats, ratting our friends out so they get fined! Is that what this has come to? We’re all in this together, let’s not fight each other, we’re not the reason we have these regulations!
Agree 100% are you people real. It's us against them
Joey Dah Fish
05-18-2018, 05:37 PM
Agree 100% are you people real. It's us against them
It is illegal to target fish out of season regardless if you are releasing or not
It is illegal to target fish out of season regardless if you are releasing or not
Joey (or anyone who is knowledgable on the subject). I agree it's not ethical to target a species out of season. But I'm having trouble finding the statute - could you help me out with this? While we can all agree that it is illegal to keep a fish out of season, I'm not sure it's a violation if the fish are released.
Capt Joe
05-20-2018, 12:56 PM
It is illegal to target fish out of season regardless if you are releasing or not
All depends on what the meaning of the word
"Target" whatever the F you want and dont be in such a rush to "post" it somewhere. Get real, who shivs a git!
Frankly, I don't want to be careful about what I post. I find current fluke regulations unreasonably restrictive. That said I will comply with clearly a written statute that requires that I release fish out of season. But what's wrong with prospecting for fish out of season if the fish are released unharmed?
Irish Jigger
05-21-2018, 08:29 PM
My take as a private boater is pretty easy. I am a bass and fluke guy, bass fishing is run and gun for the most part the bite is sporadic. Today for example we fished from the tip of Earle to freaking Keyport. Fish move fast and it's adapt or don't catch. Fluke on the other hand is more complicated, when you find fish on structure or in the shallows history shows me the fish are there it's only a matter of time before they chew. I have noticed over the years that people have a tendency to follow or look for the boats that always produced great catches with reports. Now they decided it's easier to keep quiet and not end up the next day with 10 boats fishing the same numbers. Have seen it happen to myself and I suck lol but always put a catch together. Certin sharpies both charter and private get mugged all day by boats fluking. I think this has to do with a lot of the old regulars not posting anymore. Might just be me but the proof is in the posts. Nothing worse then getting to your numbers that you always fish to find 10 boats on the same piece of bottom that fished the day before.
Just Saying
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