View Full Version : FISH STIX - Incredible Striper Fishing Continues!!!

Fish Stix
05-14-2018, 10:34 AM
Hey Guys and Gals,

We have been fishing pretty much every single day AM & PM for stripers. Here’s the reports from May 1st to Mothers Day. Last report on here was April 30th. Sorry, but we have been busy!

Here’s a quick update about the incredible striper fishing for the last week or so. If you have been out or follow us on Facebook and Instagram, well, you already know whats happening out here!

What a season it has been up in the Raritan Bay. The amount of stripers in the bay is insane. And for most of the time, THEY ARE HUNGRY! Daily catches have been averaging at least 12-15 fish per trip and up to 30 fish per trip. All depends on the day and what they wanna eat.

Live bunkers, mojos, casting plugs and poppers has been the ticket to catching these beautiful fish. The stripers have been blasting bunkers and artificial’s out of the water, even when trolling mojos they are blasting them out too! Unreal.

There is a nice mixed size of fish. Anywhere from shorts to the average size which has been roughly 20lbs, and also seeing numerous fish over 43” and weighing upwards to almost 40lbs!


Please check our Facebook & Instagram pages for professional (well almost) photography. (See signature below).

We have plenty of availability throughout the months of May, in the Raritan Bay & June, out of Shark River, for Striped Bass fishing. Please check the open boat forum here or on our website. (See signature below).

We hope to see you aboard soon.

Capt Kris & Capt Darren

Man Workin
05-14-2018, 03:27 PM
Nice job boys, you are always putting in the time. Well deserved for you and your anglers.

Fish Stix
05-15-2018, 10:21 AM
Couple more pics ......