View Full Version : Sea Bass Rig

05-11-2018, 09:35 AM
Using braid on reel. Fishing hi/low rig. Do you need a fluro or mono leader to the braid? Is a longer rig tied directly to braid better(less knots).
Also best sinkers not to get stuck.

Gerry Zagorski
05-11-2018, 09:54 AM
I would add a floro top shot to your braid using this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXjagwdjAhg

Make it long enough so if you get hung up and need to re tie you have the left over floro there to tie your sinkers and pre snelled hooks to... This makes it faster and easier to re tie.

As far a sinker, you flat ones like this or this since they don't roll as much as a bank sinker.

https://www.google.com/search?q=flat+sinkers&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=oW97VRrFC4bKeM%253A%252CdkFeN0BNoBnJIM%252C_&usg=___ypgE0vVM6JRqXWpOjM2KvT0OOk%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv0oKc2f3aAhXrguAKHbE0BIMQ9QEwAnoFCAAQv AI#imgrc=oW97VRrFC4bKeM:

https://www.google.com/search?q=flat+sinkers&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=oW97VRrFC4bKeM%253A%252CdkFeN0BNoBnJIM%252C_&usg=___ypgE0vVM6JRqXWpOjM2KvT0OOk%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiv0oKc2f3aAhXrguAKHbE0BIMQ9QEwAnoFCAAQv AI#imgrc=qD7t4WSz1xz3cM:

bunker dunker
05-11-2018, 11:00 AM
ava-27 plain,have fun.

Gerry Zagorski
05-11-2018, 01:13 PM
Yes lots of fun fishing with Avas but better off doing that on the drift, not on the anchor, correct??

05-11-2018, 01:27 PM
ava's not bait? jig over structure?

05-11-2018, 04:02 PM
I use a mono top shot. Sea bass are voracious and not line shy. You could tie direct to braid with them but if fishing structure mono top shot adds abrasion resistance. Fluoro is expensive and can get costly if you're losing 8-10' top shots in sticky stuff.

Hi low for bait with 2-3 hooks is fine with a dropper at the bottom. If jigging, 15-20 lb braid, 3-4' top shot of 15-20 lb fluoro on a spinning outfit and 3000 or 4000 sized reel will def be fun. Jig size depends on current and depth. Using a teaser can help you double up but increases chances of snagging if fishing wrecks/rocks.

05-11-2018, 11:16 PM
What is a hi/low with "dropper" at the bottom. You mention a teaser above the Ava might increase snagging. Wouldn't 't Ava get caught not teaser.

Gerry Zagorski
05-12-2018, 08:03 AM
This is a standard high low rig... In order to tie it you'll need to know how to tie dropper loops and once you establish the loops, you simply attach your pre snelled hooks on it and a sinker on the bottom.

You can fish this on anchor or on the drift just be sure to keep enough weight on it so you can hold or bounce it off the bottom.

If you're anchored you just drop it down and let it sit.. Unlike blackfish, sea bass are not shy so you can bounce your sinker around as well.

If you're drift fishing, let it hit the bottom and reel it up a few cranks to keep it a few feet off the bottom to avoid snags.

Gerry Zagorski
05-12-2018, 08:26 AM
Fishing an Ava is usually done by drifting. Drop your Ava down so it makes contact with the bottom and reel it in a few cranks to keep it just above the bottom to avoid snags. As you drift along you sweep the rod tip up and let the jig flutter back down, once again keeping it close to but not on the bottom to avoid snags. You'll find most of the time your hits will come as the jig is fluttering back down.

This does require some work since you'll constantly be working the jig and re positioning the boat so you're drifting over productive bottom. The other plus to drifting is you cover more ground and this makes it easier to locate fish as opposed to committing to a spot and anchoring up.

If you find a consistent mother load as you drift, you can always anchor up and bait fish and work that particular area.

Drifting does require the right conditions. A slight wind or current to keep the boat moving is what you want. If it's really windy your drifts may become too fast anchoring might be the better choice.

Gerry Zagorski
05-12-2018, 08:44 AM
And by the way.... A tip of the cap to all who worked to keep our season intact and got us a more days of fishing then we had last year.

If you're new to this fishery, give it a shot and jump on a charter or party boat and you'll be in for a real treat. Our season opens on 5/15 and many of of sponsors here will be fishing for them exclusively until Fluke opens up.

This is a great fishery for kids as well since here in NJ we have some of the best and most prolific Sea Bass fisheries along the entire coast. They are some fierce fighters, they feed aggressively so are easy to catch and their white sweet meat makes for excellent table fare.

05-13-2018, 12:17 PM
What is a hi/low with "dropper" at the bottom. You mention a teaser above the Ava might increase snagging. Wouldn't 't Ava get caught not teaser.

Two dropper loops for hooks 18"+ apart and a loop via surgeons knot at the bottom for your sinker. Make a large enough loop to get your sinker thru.

Teaser above ava will increase snagging as it's an additional hook. Pretty straightforward

bunker dunker
05-14-2018, 09:32 AM
jigging the ava works just as well anchored as it dose drifting.right now the sea bass are feeding on 3-5 inch sand eels that are hear but will be heading north as the water temps rise.i prefer to use the ava-27 alone with 20-30lb mono tied direct to the jig.the reason i like the the 20 to 30lb line is because there may be some stripers,blues and blackfish{jigged a 11.4 tog on a plain ava}.some like to put a teaser 2ft above the jig which works good also.just make sure the teaser
matches the sand eels.with the jig every day is different.some days they want it yo-yoed,some days a slow steady retrieve and some like the reel and stop.also remember the sea bass will swim up off the bottom.it is not uncommon to have them hit a jig 25-30ft up off the bottom.it takes a bit to figure them out but once you do you will be glad you did.

05-14-2018, 01:00 PM
I PUT 6/0 baitholder 2-3 feet above the jig. I put a gulp sandeel on it. Cast out and reel slow along the bottom. I don't get vicious strikes You just feel some extra weight then swing. Game on. Many doubles like this!

05-17-2018, 07:50 AM
Most replies mention sand eels. Is it worth buying some sand eels instead of using clam bait?

06-13-2018, 10:35 PM
I tie my seabass rig to a barrel swivel then directly to the braid. No topshot. Works perfect. Never once had the line break at the braid. If I use a diamond jig I like a three foot leader connected with a barrel swivel.

06-14-2018, 07:42 AM
Most replies mention sand eels. Is it worth buying some sand eels instead of using clam bait?

you can try I suppose, but I did and it was total waste.. The seabass would not touch them that day, while clams got nailed all day..The captain of the boat I was fishing on told me that they were preserved with Formaldahyde and were useless.. Not sure about that, but I'll never buy frozen sand eels for sea bass bait again... bob