View Full Version : Hi-Mar Striper Club 2018 Annual Spring Tournament - Saturday June 2nd

Tuna Tales
05-07-2018, 05:42 PM
“Honoring our Armed Forces”

The Hi-Mar Striper Club conducts one of the premier striped bass tournaments in the tri-state area. This year’s Spring Tournament will be on Saturday
(06/02/18) from 5:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at the Atlantic Highlands Marina. The mandatory captains meeting will be on Friday (06/01/18) at the VFW Post 6902 Post (Hall), 331 Bay Avenue, Highlands, New Jersey.

Tournament Info:
Applications may be picked up online or at most tackle shops and mailed in or by signing up at the captain’s meeting June 1st beginning at 5:30pm at the VFW Post 6902 Post (Hall), 331 Bay Avenue, Highlands, New Jersey

Single day tournament format

Entry fee is $150 per boat, max 6 persons fishing

A mandatory captain’s meeting on Friday, June 1st at 7:00 pm:

**** Please note updated location for the Captain's Meeting ****

The Captain's Meeting for the tournament will now be at the Atlantic Highlands Senior Citizen Building in Atlantic Highlands Harbor.

The VFW in Highlands had a water line break under the building and they cannot guarantee it will be fixed in time for the Captain's Meeting, Friday evening.

No lines in water before 5:00 AM. HONOR SYSTEM

Weigh-In’s will be from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Hi-Mar tent which will be located at the Atlantic Highlands Marina between Piers 4 & 5.

To find out more information about the event send an e-mail to springtournament@hi-mar.com or visit: www.hi-mar.com

As part of our mission statement the proceeds help take veterans, active military and kids (including Hooked on Fishing - Not on Drugs and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of NJ) on local fishing trips sponsored by the Hi-Mar Striper Club.

Thanks for everyone's support...we hope you can join us!

Joe T.

05-08-2018, 08:53 AM
Guess Hi-Mar hasn't updated their site yet :rolleyes:;)

Tuna Tales
05-30-2018, 08:43 PM
**** Please note updated location for the Captain's Meeting ****

The Captain's Meeting for the tournament will now be at the Atlantic Highlands Senior Citizen Building in Atlantic Highlands Harbor.

The VFW in Highlands had a water line break under the building and they cannot guarantee it will be fixed in time for the Captain's Meeting, Friday evening.


Joe T.

Tuna Tales
06-01-2018, 08:09 AM
Great striped bass weather for tomorrow...hope to see everyone later today!

The captain's meeting for tonight (June 1st) is at the Atlantics Highlands Senior Citizen Building:

3 Simon Lake Drive, Atlantic Highlands, NJ

Atlantic Highlands Harbor

The Hi-Mar Striper Club staff will be there by 5:30 pm...the Captain's Meeting will start @ 7:00 pm. You can sign up @ the Captain's Meeting.


Joe T.