View Full Version : mad gaffer striped bass report Thursday May 3

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
05-03-2018, 04:54 PM
We had the pleasure of having out Joe Konlin, and his group from Intelesys , The fishing wasn’t quite as good as it’s been ,but we did manage to catch a good deal of fish, the bait seems to of moved in the bay, and the fish seem to have scattered, But that is a common happenstance after a full moon, and after the type of bite we’ve had for the past week. Everything should regroup probably in another tied or two, And I believe there is a ton of good fishing to be had. The fishing wasn’t bad it just wasn’t what it was yesterday, it might bounce back ,and be fantastic tomorrow no One knows ,All in all was a beautiful day our next open trip is Saturday afternoon , and then of course we have open trips all through the week call for information and reservations