View Full Version : Weekend review on the bass scene

Roman' Round Charters
05-01-2018, 03:11 PM
Since my report is
So late I'll make it quick.
Saturday am trip was a lights out limit early day. First fish of the day scaled out at 39 lbs. she went back and we picked through our catch keeping tweener males.
Saturday pm trip was the same thing. Released some big females and limited early ill on the troll.
Sunday am was a grind. We trolled fish on the moving tide and limited the boat but had to work for every fish.
Sunday pm was the toughest trip of the weekend. We worked hard for
Four hours and three keepers until We got a call
From a fellow charter friend that he had them coming fast and heavy. After a short run we set the lines and had the rest of our keepers before the final whistle.