View Full Version : Tiger Muskies in Lake Musconetcong ?
04-19-2018, 04:05 PM
15 tiger muskies just stocked into Lake Musconetcong.
I need to confirm this as they just stocked the same lake with 2000 trout !!
04-19-2018, 05:20 PM
Tiger Muskies??? That lake is 5 feet deep at its deepest and 3 feet or less in most spots. Seems like a large fish for that water. that I think about it...Do Tiger Muskies eat Carp and Cormorants? If they do then them are gonna be some big Tiger Muskies in about a month!
04-19-2018, 06:39 PM
I guess it makes more sense than putting trout in lake musconetcong. 15 tigers though probably wont make that big of a difference.
04-19-2018, 07:37 PM
What a waste throwing so many trout in there.
04-20-2018, 09:32 AM
i am sure there are some muskies in there already....i can see them being washed down from hopatcong.....the stocked fish were only 15"....guesses on the number that survive the herons and cormorants in that skinny water?
04-20-2018, 09:52 AM
The lake was stocked with 53 tiger muskies that were approximately 17" in size as they were holdovers. There will be more stocked in the fall. Based on the stock assessment surveys that the F&W biologists conducted, this should help thin out all the over abundant stunted fish and make the overall population healthier. As for the trout, sure the muskies will get a few but I'm sure way less than the cormorants and other predators get. It's a negligible loss, same way it is in Hopatcong and the other lakes that get both.
04-20-2018, 10:59 AM
Some Musky in that little weedy mess will be an improvement!!! Cool stuff!:D
04-20-2018, 01:10 PM
pretty sure there is or was a nice sized musky mount in the bait and boat tackle shop that they told me came from that lake years and years ago....might've been a pike i don't remember or know if it's even still up in there.
04-20-2018, 04:06 PM
I just love when they stock Muskies and Trout in the same lake, it really makes good sense.
04-20-2018, 06:22 PM
I just love when they stock Muskies and Trout in the same lake, it really makes good sense.
I think they stopped stocking trout in Mountain
04-21-2018, 09:18 AM
Mountain still gets stocked with trout - it got 620 before opening day this year.
04-21-2018, 09:55 AM
Lake Musconetcong gets ~2k trout, all before the end of April. When summer temperatures roll around, any trout not caught, killed by cormorants or eaten by predators will be dead anyway. Diamond Mill in Millburn, which is about the size of an Olympic swimming pool, gets ~$1k which is even more absurd. Branch Brook Park in Newark, which is a cesspool and war zone, gets ~2k. It's part of the catch and release nature of the stocking program to please the public. I pity the trout that end up being released in waters like these, it's a death sentence. Don't think putting a few musky in LM changes the fate of trout one bit, carp maybe, but not trout.
04-21-2018, 02:03 PM
I just love when they stock Muskies and Trout in the same lake, it really makes good sense.
don't you keep wanting DFW to stock the mainstem raritan below 206 where the walleye and stripers can now get to because of the dam removals? that's different? :confused:
i don't see a problem, the muskies won't eat all the trout and will help the lake out overall
04-21-2018, 03:36 PM
Lake Musconetcong gets ~2k trout, all before the end of April. When summer temperatures roll around, any trout not caught, killed by cormorants or eaten by predators will be dead anyway. Diamond Mill in Millburn, which is about the size of an Olympic swimming pool, gets ~$1k which is even more absurd. Branch Brook Park in Newark, which is a cesspool and war zone, gets ~2k. It's part of the catch and release nature of the stocking program to please the public. I pity the trout that end up being released in waters like these, it's a death sentence. Don't think putting a few musky in LM changes the fate of trout one bit, carp maybe, but not trout.
I grew up in Maplewood....many an opening day at Diamond Mill with my dad. Also used to fish the Rahway River in Springfield and Echo Lake. Remember catching my limit one day on the Rahway by drifting worms next to a shopping cart. :) They should stock the lake behind Turtle Back Zoo. Last time I was home I was really impressed with what they did with that area...restaurants, park, boat rentals, very nice zoo for the kids etc.
The stocked trout in the Reservoirs in So Cal where I live now get pummeled by Big Striped bass and Giant Largemouth. The weeks around stocking guys will throw enormous 10-12 inch Rainbow trout pattern plugs and catch some of the biggest largemouth on the planet.
Doug Vitale
04-21-2018, 03:58 PM
i don't see a problem, the muskies won't eat all the trout and will help the lake out overall
Correct. Research has shown that in lakes with decent, varying types of species, muskellunge much prefer to eat perch, gizzard shad, bluegills, etc.
04-21-2018, 07:41 PM
They still stock trout in Oxford Furnace lake which has a ton of Tiger and pure strain Musky’s and they don’t all get eaten! I caught and released 16 Rainbows there the first two weeks of March
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