View Full Version : First Yellowfin of the Year Brought into Manasquan - Kinda - FREE Canyon Overnighter

Canyon Runner
04-14-2018, 07:22 PM
Canyon Runner Docks in Point Pleasant with First Yellowfin in NJ for 2018 - kinda.....read below for details


More Importantly
Announcing 2 Free Overnighters for Military Folks......If You Can Help
(Please Read Below for Details)


Canyon Runner Crews Combine for 90+ Years Fishing Together

"There's No Substitute for Experience & Teamwork"

All Trips on Canyon Runner - Free or Not
Fully Stocked Galley - Lunch & Dinner!
Hamburgers - Dogs - Sausage - Steaks!!
Free Water, Soda and BEER!!!
30 Hour Trips - More Time - More Fish!!!!


Free Canyon Trips for Military Vets
Here's How you Can Help and Donate So We Can Do More of These


An anonymous charter of ours called yesterday to offer to pay for an overnight canyon tuna trip on the 48' Canyon Runner and donate the entire boat to 6 Vets. We had 2 charters do this last year who lost their group at the last minute and decide to donate the trip as the weather and fishing was great.

But as for this gentleman this year - who again wants to remain nameless - he wants to help Canyon Runner do as many of these FREE trips as possible so he suggested I shoot out this email and try to cover the costs of two different trips so we can get 12 guys out.

The deal is between this gentleman and Canyon Runner we've got at least half of each trip covered - Canyon Runner is discounting these trips and providing all the food, beer, soda etc. - so just need another guy or two who wants to cover some of the expenses and we can do two overnighters taking out 12 Veterans for the trip of a lifetime.

GREAT IDEA we thought - so here are the details!

Regardless of whether we get any more folks to donate we are going to do at least two FREE Overnigthers with this format with this gentleman donating half of the costs for each - now if Canyon Runner has to cover the balance so be it - but if anyone wants to participate with a donation towards these trips - $100, $200 or even just $50 is great - please email us or call - 732-272-4445.

The first FREE Military trip is May 15-16 - Call or Email if you are active duty or retire military and you get a spot and need not do anything else or bring a thing with you.


(By the way - if it's too early and the tuna aren't within range we'll do like we always do when the fishing is not good - we'll cancel this date and reschedule those 6 guys to another date later in the year.)

So please call 732-272-4445 or email me at adam@canyonrunner.com if interested.

Sailing From Clark's Landing Marina - Pt. Pleasant, NJ


Canyon Runner Brings First Yellowfin to New Jersey Port

Although They were Caught About 270 Miles Away LOL!

Too many folks get way too excited about bringing the first tuna into their state or port or whatever - it's not about who catches the first tuna of the year - it's about who catches the most. No one ever remembers who hits the first homerun of the MLB Season - just who hits the most at the end of the season - so this headline is mostly a joke. It's true - we did actually dock with yellowfin this morning in Pt. Pleasant - but it is just joke.

These fish weren't caught within range of any boat out of NJ unless you want to run 170 miles from Cape May to catch 25 pound yellowfin. But they were caught! In addition they were lucky enough to add a nice 52" bluefin that we were able to take home with us as well.

Here's one of 3 Free Canyon Trips We Ran in 2017
8 Big-Eyes for 6 Military Vets - last one is of the Bluefin that Came Home with us for NC

Dave A
04-15-2018, 06:05 AM
You can count on me for help ($).

Canyon Runner
04-15-2018, 07:41 AM
Thanks Dave - that's awesome!

shrimpman steve
04-15-2018, 07:57 AM
Great offer from a great organization!

Thanks for helping our vets!

Gerry Zagorski
04-15-2018, 08:59 AM
Count me in too Adam. Can I or others Pay Pal you? If so, what is your Pay Pal address??

Not sure how wide of a net you want to throw here but if you are looking for a lot of people to donate, you might consider using www.gofundme.com

Thanks for supporting out vets.

Canyon Runner
04-15-2018, 12:32 PM
Count me in too Adam. Can I or others Pay Pal you? If so, what is your Pay Pal address??

Not sure how wide of a net you want to throw here but if you are looking for a lot of people to donate, you might consider using www.gofundme.com

Thanks for supporting out vets.

Thanks Gerry - I don't want to use gofundme - want to keep this organic to the fishing community that knows us best and is already aware of all the FREE military trips we already do. So people know that 100% of what they give goes directly to taking a Vet fishing.

Also don't want people just sending to paypal as i want to correspond with each donor so they know exactly how the funds will be used.

Right now i have 14 Military Folks who are already on board - we are doing May 15-16, 16-17 (these are already filled up) and then 2 more trip later in June and early July.

Canyon Runner will donate whatever it takes to get all 4 trips in and therefore 24 Vets off to the canyons on an overnighter but any amount anyone can give helps.

So if you want to help or have a Vet to nominate just email me at adam@canyonrunner.com

By the way - remember this isn't a donation to a charity so it's NOT deductible - you are literally paying for a charter to take a Vet offshore.

Canyon Runner
04-15-2018, 01:32 PM
Great offer from a great organization!

Thanks for helping our vets!

Thanks Steve!

Capt. Debbie
04-16-2018, 11:00 AM
Based on last year at the Canyons- I hope your fish is not the last YFT for 2018. :)

Canyon Runner
04-16-2018, 11:15 AM
Based on last year at the Canyons- I hope your fish is not the last YFT for 2018. :)

Wouldn't mind too much at all if it was based on last year - that means it will be a very early season again. Last year we caught 1,150 tuna by July which included 20 big-eyes!!

Only problem with last year was after July 4 we only caught about another 400 tuna the entire rest of the year right through November 1.

But your point about yellowfin is 100% correct as many of those first 1150 tuna were bluefins.

Fingers crossed for a season that lasts right through the summer this time around!