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View Full Version : 2018 Fluke and Sea Bass Options

Angler Paul
04-03-2018, 10:59 PM
Below are the options for fluke and sea bass that the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council will consider at their next meeting on 4/5/18 at 5 PM at the Bay Av. Community Center located at 775 East Bay Av., Manahawkin, NJ. The public will have an opportunity to give their opinions before the council votes on which options to adopt. A top priority for JCAA is to close the gap between when fluke season ends and sea bass season begins. We certainly don’t want to go seven weeks with little to fish for inshore as we had to do last year after fluke season ended on 9/5. I will post the final regulations on the JCAA FB page on Thursday evening. Please “like” our page to keep abreast of the regulations and other important fisheries news.
Paul Haertel, JCAA Board Member – Past President

Fluke Options
5/25 – 9/22 3 fish 18”
5/22 – 9/20 3 fish 18”
5/15 – 9/16 3 fish 18”
(The special regulations of 3 fish at 17” for Delaware Bay and 2 fish at 16” for Island Beach are expected to remain the same)
Sea Bass Options
1. May 23 – June 30, 10 fish, 12.5 inches
July 1 – August 31, 2 fish, 12.5 inches
October 8 – October 31, 10 fish, 12.5 inches
November 1 – December 31, 15 fish, 13 inches

2. May 15 – June 22, 10 fish, 12.5 inches
July 1 – August 31, 2 fish, 12.5 inches
October 8 – October 31, 10 fish, 12.5 inches
November 1 – December 31, 15 fish, 13 inches

3. June 9 – June 30, 10 fish, 12.5 inches
July 1 – August 31, 2 fish, 12.5 inches
October 1 – October 31, 15 fish, 12.5 inches
November 1 – December 31, 15 fish, 12.5 inches

04-04-2018, 08:36 AM
#1 on the fluke options and #2 on the sea bass makes the most sense for the people who do this to make a living

04-04-2018, 10:32 AM
I would pick #1 fluke and #1 sea bass.

Joey Dah Fish
04-04-2018, 10:41 AM
Number 1 on Fluke 2 one sea bass.

tuna john
04-04-2018, 12:29 PM
#1 and #1 both seem good

04-04-2018, 12:55 PM
All the options suck compared to Delaware, Maryland & Virginia that have the following.

Fluke 4 fish, 16.5" no closed season,open all year.

Sea Bass May 15- Sept 21 15 fish, 12.5"
Oct22- Dec 31 15 fish, 12.5"

04-04-2018, 01:26 PM
All the options suck compared to Delaware, Maryland & Virginia that have the following.

Fluke 4 fish, 16.5" no closed season,open all year.

Sea Bass May 15- Sept 21 15 fish, 12.5"
Oct22- Dec 31 15 fish, 12.5"

Population of NY NJ Conn is 33,000,000
Population of Del/Mar/Va is 15,000,000

We also have big commercial fisheries here, and extensive party/charter fleets that don't exist south of NJ... Too much pressure on the stocks, is the reasoning I suppose... bob

Capt Joe
04-04-2018, 01:59 PM
#1 on the fluke options and #2 on the sea bass makes the most sense for the people who do this to make a living


04-04-2018, 02:26 PM
1 Fluke
2 Sea Bass

Water Proof
04-04-2018, 02:34 PM
From the options listed, Option #1 for Fluke and #1 or #2 for Sea Bass .. I'll be at meeting tomorrow ...


04-04-2018, 05:21 PM
All the options SUCK for a charter boat.
3 fish limit was shoved down our throat last season with the promise of getting back at least another fish this year,
instead we get a few weeks added to the end when 95% of the fleet isn't fishing anymore.
Still no introduction of a slot fish ( which we should have drastically pushed last year )

even the commercial guys got tonnage added to their limits for this season .
we didn't get SHIT


3 fish is one good drift


04-04-2018, 06:34 PM
Moving in the right direction. I might not even poach so much this year.

Angler Paul
04-04-2018, 11:27 PM
Guys, remember what happened last year when our fluke season was shut down on 9/5 and then sea bass season did not open until 10/22. That left very little to fish for during that 7 week period. Let's not be complacent and let that happen again. Please show up at the NJMFC meeting on 4/5 and speak in favor of a fluke season of Friday 5/25 through Saturday 9/22. Also please realize that we already did compromise by not having any options that would have opened the season later in May or June that would have allowed us to fish until the end of September. In the spring there are plenty of big stripers, big blues and even sea bass will be open. There won't be any of those available in September so we need the fluke season to run as far into September as possible. The meeting is at 5 PM at
the Bay Av Community Center located at 775 East Bay Av., Manahawkin.

04-04-2018, 11:43 PM
All the options SUCK for a charter boat.
3 fish limit was shoved down our throat last season with the promise of getting back at least another fish this year,
instead we get a few weeks added to the end when 95% of the fleet isn't fishing anymore.
Still no introduction of a slot fish ( which we should have drastically pushed last year )

even the commercial guys got tonnage added to their limits for this season .
we didn't get SHIT


3 fish is one good drift


agreed, $120-150 fare to keep 3 fluke SUCKS

04-05-2018, 04:50 AM
I say let’s just continue flunking right thru until sea bass opens! All they do I say make us all into criminal’s. Clog the courts that will get everyone’s attention! We’re tired of the BS and enough is enough

Ice Cream Bill
04-05-2018, 07:54 AM

Thanks for your input and efforts from the JCAA. I’m in upstate NY on business and can’t make the meeting this afternoon.

I’m surprised nobody commented/supported Option # 3 on sea bass. Though it gives us a short three week season in June (bag limit 10), it allows for another three weeks starting Oct. 1st (bag limit 15).

Our fall sea bass season normally reopens on 10/22 to coincide with the federal opening. It also allows us a full 15 fish bag limit from Oct.1-Dec. 31. The fluke season, if closing late-September, means it’s only a one week break between.

The two-fish bi-catch in the summer is a joke, but it does allow the head boats to get customers a few fish before targeting fluke. Though bag limits in NY/CT/RI are lower, the sea bass fishing is much better than in NJ. Most sea bass are over 15”; you have to go offshore in NJ in Nov/Dec to catch similar size fish.

04-05-2018, 02:41 PM
None of these options seem good to me at all. 2 sea bass all summer that's it? I thought the stocks where rebuilt. Also no sea bass in September. Not good! A big thumbs down!These fish belong to everyone! We are as close to zero fish as we can possibly get! Time to wake up people!

04-05-2018, 04:02 PM
They all suck. I would rather see them lower the limit and give us September for Sea Bass. They keep screwing the inshore guys. For what so the party boats can fish offshore in December and kill everything they reel up.

04-05-2018, 04:12 PM
agreed, $120-150 fare to keep 3 fluke SUCKS

This is true but if we don't support the charter/head boats before you know it they will be all gone! Wish I could go to the meeting but have several other commitments. :(

Gerry Zagorski
04-05-2018, 07:50 PM
Some might argue that the Fluke options suck but to me and I think a lot others, it's all about access to the fishery.

By access I mean the ability to fish for them for as many days as possible. This is most important because if the season is closed no one can fish for them. Next in line is size limits and if set too high you can't keep any and and finally bag limits so if you do get some keepers you can chose to keep more then a few fish.

It's all horse trading.....

Last year we were forced to trade a lower size fish for a shortened season. Not a good trade in my mind but that's how it went down.

This year looks like the bag limit will remain at 3, the size remains at 18 but we'll get a longer season.

Are these regulations great and am I doing backflips of joy? No but a lot better then we had last year because we have more days/access to the fish.

Would some people here trade larger size limits for more bag limits and keep the number of days the same?? I'm sure they would but I think they are the exception, not the rule because they target and typically catch larger fish...

Either way, you can't please everyone but we did net up this year with a longer season and the same size and bag limits...

The great and powerful Oz has spoken so go ahead and throw up all over this ;)

04-05-2018, 08:25 PM
Some might argue that the Fluke options suck but to me and I think a lot others, it's all about access to the fishery.

By access I mean the ability to fish for them for as many days as possible. This is most important because if the season is closed no one can fish for them. Next in line is size limits and if set too high you can't keep any and and finally bag limits so if you do get some keepers you can chose to keep more then a few fish.

It's all horse trading.....

Last year we were forced to trade a lower size fish for a shortened season. Not a good trade in my mind but that's how it went down.

This year looks like the bag limit will remain at 3, the size remains at 18 but we'll get a longer season.

Are these regulations great and am I doing backflips of joy? No but a lot better then we had last year because we have more days/access to the fish.

Would some people here trade larger size limits for more bag limits and keep the number of days the same?? I'm sure they would but I think they are the exception, not the rule because they target and typically catch larger fish...

Either way, you can't please everyone but we did net up this year with a longer season and the same size and bag limits...

The great and powerful Oz has spoken so go ahead and throw up all over this ;)

4 fish and a season the same as last year MIGHT have put more guys back on some of the charter boats.
There isn't a great pool of fisherman willing to spend 140/150 bucks to go catch 3 fluke.
There also aren't a lot of people fishing after labor day , and EXCEPT for last year, every season since Sandy hit the fluke fishery was DONE here the first storm , the first week of September.
The Raritan bay still had a late fluke fishery last season , Oceanside it was over as our season closed,
ADDING days to the end of the season is rolling the dice that some fish may still be around to catch .

ALso adding just one fish to the mix with a shorter season is beneficial to more people , as they already had the expense of being out there.

This WORRYING about adding a few days when there MIGHT be access to the fish, instead of adding a fish to the creel limit WHEN the fish are definetly here, and thinking its a win ISNT .


Gerry Zagorski
04-05-2018, 08:49 PM
4 fish and a season the same as last year MIGHT have put more guys back on some of the charter boats.
There isn't a great pool of fisherman willing to spend 140/150 bucks to go catch 3 fluke.
There also aren't a lot of people fishing after labor day , and EXCEPT for last year, every season since Sandy hit the fluke fishery was DONE here the first storm , the first week of September.
The Raritan bay still had a late fluke fishery last season , Oceanside it was over as our season closed,
ADDING days to the end of the season is rolling the dice that some fish may still be around to catch .

ALso adding just one fish to the mix with a shorter season is beneficial to more people , as they already had the expense of being out there.

This WORRYING about adding a few days when there MIGHT be access to the fish, instead of adding a fish to the creel limit WHEN the fish are definetly here, and thinking its a win ISNT .


Dan I totally understand your perspective but mine just happens to be different.

04-06-2018, 05:01 AM
They have gotten their way we fight and argue amongst ourselves! By giving us scapes they have divided us. Stand up and fight. Look at the comments your all happy to have a longer season, happy with 3 fish! What an fing joke

04-06-2018, 05:58 PM
Dan I totally understand your perspective but mine just happens to be different.

You keep a fishing log ??
show me how many fluke you have caught Since sandy after the 5th of September.
How about we add 2 months in December to go with those extra few weeks of gaining nothing .

IF we still had a viable fishery as we had in the past I would love to have the longer season .
Used to be a great fishery until October in the bay, it doesn't exist anymore.
And the rest of the state hasn't had it either.
adding three weeks to the season for the lower half the state doesn't do anything as the fish aren't there.

Everyone has an opinion ( and are entitled to it ) , but try and base it on reality .

Commercial guys got a 17% raise on their actual harvest limit.

We got a 17% on allowable days to fish ( not actual landings , where as you would actually have to catch a limit those last 17 days ) how many guys are going to be doing that state wide .

Just more bad math .



Gerry Zagorski
04-07-2018, 06:32 AM
You keep a fishing log ??
show me how many fluke you have caught Since sandy after the 5th of September.
How about we add 2 months in December to go with those extra few weeks of gaining nothing .

IF we still had a viable fishery as we had in the past I would love to have the longer season .
Used to be a great fishery until October in the bay, it doesn't exist anymore.
And the rest of the state hasn't had it either.
adding three weeks to the season for the lower half the state doesn't do anything as the fish aren't there.

Everyone has an opinion ( and are entitled to it ) , but try and base it on reality .

Commercial guys got a 17% raise on their actual harvest limit.

We got a 17% on allowable days to fish ( not actual landings , where as you would actually have to catch a limit those last 17 days ) how many guys are going to be doing that state wide .

Just more bad math .



Keeping a log book is fruitless for someone who doesn't catch much. I could count on one hand the number of times 1 person on our boat limited out fishing Fluking last year. I know that's not the case for you Dan but we still like to try.

Like I said before, to me it's all about being able to go out and fish for something on any given day. You take days away for a lower size or higher bag limit, that trade off doesn't work for me.

04-07-2018, 08:58 AM
Keeping a log book is fruitless for someone who doesn't catch much. I could count on one hand the number of times 1 person on our boat limited out fishing Fluking last year. I know that's not the case for you Dan but we still like to try.

Like I said before, to me it's all about being able to go out and fish for something on any given day. You take days away for a lower size or higher bag limit, that trade off doesn't work for me.

well at that catch rate , maybe try using some bait next time LOL.

I don't think we do anything special, many different friends on the boat through the season ( some who fish only once or twice a year), we had close to 40 single person limits + last season .

boat limits+ 13/16 trips .

IMO . a slot limit would have helped guys fishing skinny water , put some fish in the box. and spread out the year class of fish being taken.

ALL the work that's been done to say stop keeping all these 18+ inch fish, and once again what are we keeping ??
seems like a lot of effort to just have them once again tell us what we have been fighting mean nothing to NMFS

Joey Dah Fish
04-07-2018, 09:02 AM
For those of you that don’t believe the regs are fair or correct for the entire state all sectors of Fishing. May I suggest you go to the meeting and find out exactly why they are.

04-07-2018, 09:09 AM
Fluke option #1 and Sea Bass option #2 works well for everyone!

Water Proof
04-07-2018, 10:31 AM
I was at the meeting and I think its fair to say that mostly everyone wanted what was directly best for them .. but most understood it had to be a compromise that fit the best OVERALL plan for the state .. back bay guys and southern marinas want an early opening .. ocean guys and charter / head boat fleet want later start and later finish so there is little gap between Fluke and Sea bass in the fall to keep us fishing .. some suggested splitting the state but I we don't need to start a new war on North NJ vs South NJ .. it will just be another fight to fight .. we are talking about a week or 2 two difference in opening / closing times .. I think we find a compromise. Our bigger fight is going to be on Sea bass and what the region north of us is going to do .. if they go out of compliance , it could affect all of us in a big way. And I don't see them backing down when they are facing an 11% reduction while NJ gets a 46% increase ..

04-07-2018, 10:46 AM
For those of you that don’t believe the regs are fair or correct for the entire state all sectors of Fishing. May I suggest you go to the meeting and find out exactly why they are.

Joe. I have been to plenty of the meetings .
Losing a grand to take the day off to attend .
Season open and close dates are the only thing fair about the regs .
In actuality the southern part would like an earlier start.
Basing the entire recreational fleet as well as the charter fleet to gain two weeks for the party boat fleet is bullshit.
As a three fish limit only hard core guys are going to spend 150 bucks for the three fish limit.
So 90 % of us give the entire season away.
Of the possibility of catching more fish at less of an expense.

Gerry Zagorski
04-07-2018, 12:57 PM
Joe. I have been to plenty of the meetings .
Losing a grand to take the day off to attend .
Season open and close dates are the only thing fair about the regs .
In actuality the southern part would like an earlier start.
Basing the entire recreational fleet as well as the charter fleet to gain two weeks for the party boat fleet is bullshit.
As a three fish limit only hard core guys are going to spend 150 bucks for the three fish limit.
So 90 % of us give the entire season away.
Of the possibility of catching more fish at less of an expense.

Dan - I know you've personally been engaged in the fight. Many others haven't yet complain when things don't go their way.

When you say " Basing the entire recreational fleet as well as the charter fleet to gain two weeks for the party boat fleet is bullshit" Pretty sure when it was decided to go with 3 @ 18 last year and a shorter season vs 19 and a longer season, pretty much all the recs and charter boats to the north would have preferred a longer season @ 19.

It's been said a good compromise is when both parties are dissatisfied. At the end of the day no one likes these regs, I think it would help some if we could make the regs different between north and south NJ. Even then there are sure to be people who are not going to like what their region selected.

As far as only hard core guys being the only ones willing to spend $150 for 3 fish. Not sure we agree here either. In my mind it's the hard core meat fishermen who are more likely not going to want to spend $150 for 3 fish and the more casual guys just want to be able to fish when they can and keep a fish or 2.

Seems like you and I don't agree on much here but that doesn't make either of us wrong, we just see things a little differently ;)

Joey Dah Fish
04-07-2018, 03:42 PM
Joe. I have been to plenty of the meetings .
Losing a grand to take the day off to attend .
Season open and close dates are the only thing fair about the regs .
In actuality the southern part would like an earlier start.
Basing the entire recreational fleet as well as the charter fleet to gain two weeks for the party boat fleet is bullshit.
As a three fish limit only hard core guys are going to spend 150 bucks for the three fish limit.
So 90 % of us give the entire season away.
Of the possibility of catching more fish at less of an expense.

I think you miss understood what I’m trying to say. That fact is if you were at the meeting you would understand that most people wanted exactly what regs were chosen. I think all though not liking it compromised. No one got exactly what they wanted. Everyone got a piece of what they wanted.

04-07-2018, 06:30 PM
I think you miss understood what I’m trying to say. That fact is if you were at the meeting you would understand that most people wanted exactly what regs were chosen. I think all though not liking it compromised. No one got exactly what they wanted. Everyone got a piece of what they wanted.

The regs you chose from were the ones they once again gave you .
the one we got was the best of the GIVEN options.

My point is what happened to fighting to stop killing all the 18" + fish that everyone knows are females.
What happened to trying to lower the limit size to take more males.

just a few months ago when they said even though we underfished last years quota , they felt we should keep the limit the same AFTER assuring us last year , this years regs would be better.
where really they aren't ??

same as happened for last years fight for status quo which was 5/18"

EVERYONE bitched last year when they shoved this reg down our throats ( you included ) but this year its OK ??.

In my eyes all we got was the season they always intended for us.
IMO this is two seasons in a row we got railed, , what are we going to give up next year ???????

Gerry Zagorski
04-08-2018, 09:35 AM
The regs you chose from were the ones they once again gave you .
the one we got was the best of the GIVEN options.

My point is what happened to fighting to stop killing all the 18" + fish that everyone knows are females.
What happened to trying to lower the limit size to take more males.

just a few months ago when they said even though we underfished last years quota , they felt we should keep the limit the same AFTER assuring us last year , this years regs would be better.
where really they aren't ??

same as happened for last years fight for status quo which was 5/18"

EVERYONE bitched last year when they shoved this reg down our throats ( you included ) but this year its OK ??.

In my eyes all we got was the season they always intended for us.
IMO this is two seasons in a row we got railed, , what are we going to give up next year ???????

All valid points Dan but our disappointment should be directed at the feds, not our state council who happen to be at the scene of the crime. Like every year, we are forced to accept the scraps that are handed down by the feds.

Could we have said we don't like any of the options and gone out of compliance like we did last year? I suppose we could have but not sure we'd get the same support from the Murphy Administration that we had with Christy.

I could be all wet here but even if Murphy was willing, not sure how an NJ Liberal Administration's end around would be viewed by Conservatives at the Federal level but my guess is it would not go well.

04-09-2018, 05:57 AM
What I see here is a bunch of unhappy people! Why is that? We have allowed those to be to run us down and just like what is going on right here arguing amongst ourselves. Stop fighting each other just fight against the powers to be! Enjoy your days on the water, take a few fish for a couple of dinners. Just make it so there is something to get off them! Size doesn’t matter isn’t that what we have all been taught? It’s how you utilize it! Now go be happy and stop fighting each other!