View Full Version : GAMBLER-- Spring Schedule!

03-29-2018, 09:16 PM
Cod trips, Lazy Man Taug Trips and Golden Tile trips for April!

Unfortunately, we did not make our 1st scheduled trip for offshore cod and wreck fishing, for early tomorrow, due to a poor weather report. Offshore report showed 6 to 10 foot seas, which would be very uncomfortable. The mighty crew of the Gambler is disappointed as are the patrons who had signed up for the trip. But weather is something that we have to contend with this time of year. Thankfully, most of the folks were able to switch over to next Friday's scheduled trip --now we just have to hope for fair seas. There is still plenty of room on these upcoming trips, but don't wait too long to sign up.

Here's a reminder of how our trips for April are Scheduled:

Cod trips: 2AM till 4pm every Friday. Fishing wrecks and rocks on the grounds, anywhere from 20 to 50 miles offshore. Bait supplied: clams. Suggested tackle: 30 to 40 lb gear or rent rod and reel on board. 12 once sinker suggested with a high-low rig and 4/0 hooks (or buy on board). We will have hot sandwiches, snacks, coffee, water and soda available in our heated galley. Dates: April 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th. Trips made by reservation.

Lazy Man Taug Trips: 10AM till 3PM every Weds and Sunday( except Easter) through April. Fishing local wrecks and rocks, these 5 hour trips are open boat. Sleep in a bit, don't rush, boat leaves at 10AM. Bait supplied: crabs and clams. Suggested tackle: 30lb gear or rent rod and reel on board. 6 to 10 once sinker suggested with blackfish/taug rig (or buy on board). Our galley will be open, serving hot food and drinks.

Golden Tilefish Trips: 1AM till 8PM every Saturday through April. If you've wanted to try tile-fishing, this is it! If you've done it before, get your cranking arm ready! Fishing the Canyons out to 90 miles. Fishing depths: 350 to 650 feet! Bait supplied: Squid and other cut strips. Suggested tackle: 60lb gear with 300 yards (1200 ft) of 60lb braid. (We have a limited amount of rental rod and reel (ask early) Double hook tilefish rig with 2 to 3lb sinker (or buy on board) Our chef will be cooking up sandwiches, burgers and dogs along with our infamously strong (but good) coffee. Tile Trips made by reservation and limited to just 24 passengers.

Looking forward to seeing you on board.

Capt Bob

03-30-2018, 02:52 PM
Best of luck on the new season Capt Bob. Hoping to get some guys togther for an April trip and will put togther an RFA Spring trip soon.
Catch em up and talk soon.
The Lazy Man Tog trip may be a good way to break the winter funk. :D