View Full Version : Food for thought

03-27-2018, 02:14 PM

03-27-2018, 08:19 PM
Very interesting article, what I've been saying for the last several years!

Joey Dah Fish
03-27-2018, 10:33 PM
As for me I will certainly not be held silent nor will I be told how, when or where to state my opinion on a sport or opposing views on same based on extortion from a particular organization. They of course are entitled to their opinion. But let’s not them allow us to change who we are and or how we conduct ourselves. When you play the game on their terms you lose. Don’t let them lessen your passion for what you support. In some extreme case the mob mentality is necessary. After we won our country’s freedom from England with mob type mentality. Stay focused on your rights and don’t bend to their wishes. Stand tall and defend your right to your opinion.

03-28-2018, 10:15 AM
As for me I will certainly not be held silent nor will I be told how, when or where to state my opinion on a sport or opposing views on same based on extortion from a particular organization. They of course are entitled to their opinion. But let’s not them allow us to change who we are and or how we conduct ourselves. When you play the game on their terms you lose. Don’t let them lessen your passion for what you support. In some extreme case the mob mentality is necessary. After we won our country’s freedom from England with mob type mentality. Stay focused on your rights and don’t bend to their wishes. Stand tall and defend your right to your opinion.

Trust me I'm with ya, nobody's telling me what I can and can't say online, but I do think there's a smarter way to go about it than how some people choose that's all. Some situations do call for fire and fury like last year with the fluke regs, but then other times, some of these internet tough guys just make us all look dumb.

Gerry Zagorski
03-28-2018, 11:55 AM
Golden Rule right here and sums up my feelings...

"I live by the mantra to never post something online (or in print) in which I would not feel comfortable saying to one’s face. I choose my words carefully and consider the repercussions for my actions. Remember that there is always a record of some sort of everything we do online; so, for the good of us all, please think before you post"

Opinions and passions are great but they should be stated respectfully and not to bully someone...

03-28-2018, 02:16 PM
Golden Rule right here and sums up my feelings...

"I live by the mantra to never post something online (or in print) in which I would not feel comfortable saying to one’s face. I choose my words carefully and consider the repercussions for my actions. Remember that there is always a record of some sort of everything we do online; so, for the good of us all, please think before you post"

Opinions and passions are great but they should be stated respectfully and not to bully someone...


Joey Dah Fish
03-28-2018, 11:22 PM
Trust me I'm with ya, nobody's telling me what I can and can't say online, but I do think there's a smarter way to go about it than how some people choose that's all. Some situations do call for fire and fury like last year with the fluke regs, but then other times, some of these internet tough guys just make us all look dumb.

You are absolutely correct. But on the other hand those people equally valuable to the fight. When people are calm and cool plenty can be done. When nothing is getting done these wild cards come in and make conversation necessary. By the way I’m one of those that are fine looking stupid for the battle if I win the war. I really do believe the smartest one are sometimes blinded by the idea they know it all. Until they are challenged in a way they have no idea how to figure out to fight, they either fold or change. Bullying certainly shouldn’t be tolerated, but neither should complaisance. Yes tread lightly but walk with a big stick.

03-29-2018, 10:11 AM
Golden Rule right here and sums up my feelings...

"I live by the mantra to never post something online (or in print) in which I would not feel comfortable saying to one’s face. I choose my words carefully and consider the repercussions for my actions. Remember that there is always a record of some sort of everything we do online; so, for the good of us all, please think before you post"

Opinions and passions are great but they should be stated respectfully and not to bully someone...

Dilly Dilly!