View Full Version : Ocean Explorer Monday

Ocean Explorer
03-21-2018, 02:39 PM
3-19-18 We ended up with only a very small group today but headed out anyway to look for some fish..Ocean was still a little lumpy but It calmed down very nicely as the day went on...There was very good life on the bottom..The perch were chewing pretty good and kept you busy..So were the grey codfish LOL.....The infamous dogfish were very aggressive on a few spots....Water must be warming up a bit on the bottom...,Not the surface though,,still 39 degrees offshore...Ended up catching about a dozen short Codfish and one nice fish to keep...Few small blackfish,,few small pollock again.Also had 4-5 ling..Nice day to be out and plenty of action to keep you busy...I ended with a real nice bag of perch fillets for dinner along with some others onboard that caught some nice big cunners,or a Cod or ling or two.......No fishing until after the storm...looks like its gonna blow until Friday...I will let you know but the weekend as of now is looking very nice... Update as well....
As for the link I put up on Sunday night which some of you think is BS...you are entitled to your opinion on it...so am I...still stand with don't click on it...it was done entirely because I was running out of the house, just trying to get a report up on my own website to tell guys we were gonna fish on Monday...This laptop is getting extremely slow,,especially downloading pictures and I had to run out both Saturday and Sunday night to a family event as soon as I got home...That along with a very late day trip both Saturday and Sunday gave me no time to get it done the way I would have wanted so just a little click on your mouse saved me a lot of time which I didn't have.I do not need any traffic to my website,,it does fine on its own. It was not done for any of the reasons that (some) of you thought..I was doing it as a courtesy for some of you or nothing would have been put up at all more than likely..No hidden agenda,,,dont really think much of it...It will probably even happen again at some time..Dont think we will be back out until Saturday it looks like...Keep ya posted....ps..this weather sucks...and here are a few pics from the weekend

Poppa Devil
03-21-2018, 05:14 PM
I think you do a great job keeping us informed. You don't have to explain to anyone WHY WHERE or HOW COME your personal life, that's just my OPINON
Keep up the great post must enjoyable.

03-21-2018, 08:00 PM
Thanks for the report! At least someone is making the effort to tell us whats out there. The heck with the naysayers

Fishin Polski
03-21-2018, 08:43 PM
You don't need to make excuses for your actions, if anyone would just put themselves in your shoes and work as hard as you do they wouldn't have time either,it's amazing that you have any time to post at all! Keep up the good work and thank you for your honest reports.

03-22-2018, 09:17 AM
Love all of your reports - all winter

The haters are gonna hate......Don't let it bother you

shrimpman steve
03-22-2018, 09:50 AM
Thanks for your reports Bobby!
I don’t care how you post them. :)

03-22-2018, 09:56 AM
Thank you for taking the time to write the report. It is greatly appreciated.