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View Full Version : Giants/tuna north carolina

Nancy's Boys
03-20-2018, 09:24 PM
What an absolutely amazing Giant Tuna fishing trip in North Carolina. Great friends Tony, son Alex and nephew Cody. Thanks to Capt. Deane and first mate Mike making it happen on the Canyon Runner. We had an experience of a life time catching two Giant Tuna in the 500lbs class. We had a third one on but it got cut off. Amazing job Deane and Mike keeping these two huge fish from tangling and coaching us the whole fight. Luckily we also hooked a yellowfin for the table. The season closed this past Saturday on keeping the Giants. They were both safely released. Great trip! Great team work all around! Very blessed and thankful!!

03-21-2018, 06:36 AM
Wow! Thanks for the report. You guys should be on Wicked Tuna!

Bob T.
03-21-2018, 06:07 PM
Great report, I hope to get into that action next year. Nice YF! how big? 130-ish?

Nancy's Boys
03-28-2018, 11:01 PM
This was the second Giant Bluefin at 81" probably low 400lbs