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View Full Version : need advise for fishing the keys

03-20-2018, 11:13 AM
am going to islamorada next week with my kids. have never been. Can anyone provide any info on what I should bring to fish from land / bridges, and what you have had success with. Also, should I charter for a day or rent a boat for a couple days and try to do it myself? I am totally content with reef fishing, and or offshore. Just trying to mazimize my time and money Thanks

03-20-2018, 12:20 PM
I've done both on my own renting a boat and used guides. Running a boat in the keys is not easy if you're not used to it. There's lots of shallows and you need to know where you can run and where you can't.

To maximize you're time, I suggest hiring a guide. You'll catch more in one day than a week by yourself.

Jersey gut Capt Eric Kerber guides in islamorada in the winter. He's a great guy and dedicated fisherman. Or you can book through bud and Mary's.

03-20-2018, 01:32 PM
I had a blast in the keys fishing from shore on lures and live bait. Was catching nice-sized barracuda on X-raps and bigger ones and bonnethead and lemon sharks on bait. I didn't know what I was in for at the time and just had a 3-piece Medium heavy rod with a 4000 Shimano. I just bought some toothproof from one of the tackle shops and made quick leaders with haywire twists for the sharks and cudas. I got spooled by a massive cuda that was definitely well north of 30 pounds. It took 175 yards of line off my reel in about 30 seconds. Saw the party boats coming back from Bud and Mary's with tiny snappers and said I'd rather just fish from the dock. We stayed just south of Islamorada at the Lime Tree Bay Resort. That's where that dock is. It's supposed to be for the hotel but you'd probably get away with fishing there. No one ever said anything to me and it's not like it's Jersey. My uncle kept buying live shrimp that would just die and all I bought 5lb. bricks of thread herring that caught just about everything. If you're gonna take a charter, definitely call Kerber, but I'm sure you'll be doing shore fishing as well, so get some toothproof and some thread herring. Go to that dock if you can too. I've been to Key West since then but always wanted to go back to that dock. Had a total blast.

03-20-2018, 01:52 PM
2 years ago, I went out on a party boat, Miss Islamorada. To put it mildly, it was a weird experience. First, they provide all tackle. The problem, the rods and reels provided were WWII vintage.Reeling in a small yellowtail snapper was an adventure. Speaking of old, the boat was ancient! It creeped out to the reef(about a mile away from dock) belching smoke. Third, you must get there early to get a spot in the stern. They are given live bait, which the mate puts on your hook and throws out into the water. Everyone else on the sides of the boat is given dead bait to drop down for yellowtail snapper. Fourth, there is a weird honor system on fish caught. All fish go into a communal fish hold, then get dumped on the dock when the boat comes in. This lead to people claiming more fish than they caught, and the bigger fish being taken first. Did you catch a large snapper that would be perfect for the grill? Forget about it! As soon as it hits the pavement, someone is grabbing it.
Spend the extra money and charter a boat. It’s worth it.

03-20-2018, 07:10 PM
I fish from land and piers in Key West every winter. The best advice I can give you is use at least a ten foot fluorocarbon leader if not longer. Good luck!

Gerry Zagorski
03-20-2018, 08:52 PM
I haven’t fished from shore but rented boats trolled offshore for Mahi and Blackfin Tuna and others in our group did some backwater sight fishing for Tarpon which they really enjoyed.

Pretty windy down there this time of year so I’d have some idea of what your preferences are going to be and play it by ear based on the weather.

Pennsy Guy
03-20-2018, 09:06 PM
Don't know how old your offspring are but if you've the time and inclination, rent a suitable-sized boat, take them out to the reef's edge with glass-bottomed buckets and rods for a half day---it's an incredible sight--and trying to drop a line 30'-40' down in front of a fish you want to catch(I was never successful) is a blast-frustrating but a blast- to say nothing of the real life show down there. The reef dropped off at an 80* angle, disappearing into the black abyss---just awesome. 'Course this was off Craig Key, a bit south of Islamorada but the reefs runs the length. After 60 yrs. I still remember the fan coral and fish I saw down there...Too many years since I fished there but always had better luck with a charter. Maybe a guide for some bone fish on the flats...or the back water...

03-21-2018, 09:34 AM
Fishbox, if you want to make a little trip to Marathon I highly recommend the charter boat Silver Fox who is out of Key Colony and if you want go a little farther you have the Marathon lady head boat, its nothing like the one out of Islmorada. Yes renting a boat can be tricky but if you just want it for fun rent a pontoon boat and fish around the bridges you can find just about everything down tide.

03-21-2018, 05:04 PM
I was down there two summers ago and rented a boat for 4-5 days and it was a blast. We ran all over fishing and catching lobsters. Sure a charter will get you some more fish but on your own its extra special. Fish for awhile take a swim, go get lunch with the boat. After lunch take a ride out to the many reefs and snorkel then motor to an unmarked reef and catch some dinner. Next day get some more chum head to the bridges anchor up and get spooled by a shark or two.
Damn its getting close to tarpon season pickup some crabs or pins and hit those bridges again maybe just maybe you might hook a poon and you did it all on your own. Not to mention for everyday you paid that charter you had your boat for 2 or 3 FULL DAYS of fun in the sun. But thats me and what I like.