View Full Version : NJ Regulatory Update blackfish Porgy Fluke Sea bass

Angler Paul
03-15-2018, 09:32 PM
NJ Regulatory Update – Blackfish, Porgy, Fluke and Sea bass
By Paul Haertel, JCAA Board Member/Past President
At the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council (NJMFC) meeting on 3/15/18, regulations for blackfish and porgies were set. For blackfish, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) required our state to reduce our harvest by 2%. Our council accomplished this by shortening our one day season by two weeks and reducing our bag limit from six fish to five fish for our late fall/early winter season. The adopted regulations set the minimum size at 15”, with a four fish bag limit from 1/1 – 2/28 and from 4/1-4/30. There will be a one fish bag limit from 8/1-11/15 and then a five fish bag limit from 11/16-12/31. Some people questioned why we did not just eliminate the one day season but the reason is the NJFMC wanted to keep it open for divers and shore based fishermen at a time when the water is warm and the fish are still inshore.
There was better news on porgies as the ASMFC allowed us to increase our harvest by 59%. This will result in New Jersey having a year-round season. Previously our season was closed from March 1st to June 30th. The bag and size limits will remain the same, 50 fish at 9”. The council voted in favor of this new regulation but it will not become effective until DEP Commissioner Catherine McCabe signs off on it.
The regulations for fluke and sea bass will not be set until a special council meeting on 4/5 that will be held at 5PM at the Bay Avenue Community Center located at 775 E. Bay Av. in Manahawkin. The delay is due to decisions made at the recent Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) meeting regarding Addendum XXX for sea bass. Several positive changes in the way sea bass are managed were made at that meeting. One is that New Jersey will be its own region. Another is that a smoothing over approach can be used to adjust MRIP numbers that appear to be way out of line. For example, the MRIP numbers for Wave 3 (May-June) in 2017 showed that New Jersey harvested an extraordinarily high number of sea bass. We will now be able to smooth over that number based on what was harvested during that period in prior years. This is a good thing as it should allow us to significantly liberalize our regulations this year. Our Bureau of Marine Fisheries worked diligently on this issue but must first have their methodology approved by the ASMFC management board when it meets via conference call on Tuesday, March 20th at 11 AM. The board will consider approving the proposals of all three regions at that time. The three management regions are: (1) Massachusetts through New York, (2) New Jersey, and (3) Delaware through North Carolina. The public is welcome to listen to the discussion by phone (866.214.0726, followed by pass code: 993961) and view the webinar using the following link https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6931931919817605123. The meeting agenda can be found at http://www.asmfc.org/files/Meetings/SFlounderScupBSB_BoardAgenda_3_20_18.pdf; meeting materials will be available March 15 at http://www.asmfc.org/home/meeting-archive. Time permitting; there will be a limited opportunity for the public to provide comments. The Board Chair will outline the procedures for accepting public comment at the beginning of the conference call. The public and other nonparticipating attendees are requested to mute their phones in order to minimize distractions to the Board’s deliberations. For more information, please contact Caitlin Starks, FMP Coordinator, at cstarks@asmfc.org or 703.842.0740.
Regarding fluke, our council is seeking to close or eliminate the gap from when fluke season closes until when sea bass season opens so they have elected to wait until the special meeting in April to set the regulations for both species. The options for fluke are expected to all have an 18” size limit and a bag limit of 3 fish. The seasons could either be from 5/15-9/16, 5/22-9/20 or 5/25-9/22. It is possible that these options could be tweaked a little or other new ones developed but that is unlikely. (The special regulations of 3 fish at 17” for Delaware Bay and 2 fish at 16” for Island Beach are expected to remain the same)
JCAA will keep you posted as to specific options as they become available via our newsletter and on our Facebook page. Please “like” our page when you visit it.

Gerry Zagorski
03-16-2018, 01:50 PM
Thanks for the representation at the meeting and your notes here Paul!!

03-17-2018, 02:18 PM
The 3 fish, fluke bag limit is just ridiculous, I know it is said once you lose fish, you never get them back. But, is there any chance we may get fish back? And thanks for all your hard work.

03-18-2018, 08:41 AM
This is nothing short but BS. I’m calling for a day of civil u rest! 3 fish? That’s a smack in the mouth and we all keep taking it on the chin! Stop just accepting what they give us, this is nuts. We all know there are many more fluke today than a few years back and yet we just accept what they give! Let’s have a day when we keep 17” fish 8 per person then clog the courts! Our word will be heard! Stop being lead to believe we should be thankful for what they give

03-18-2018, 10:32 AM

NY and NJ are both well on the way to becoming california, regarding marine rec. fishing... thats the way the populace of both states vote overwhelmingly, and thats what the citizens want..

There will soon be Marine Protection Areas here as there are up and down the California coast, as well as in europe...
Don't think so??... We have all seen legislation put forth.. it was all over these very pages.. We might dodge it for another 5 maybe 10 years, but with the way NJ and NY populations think and vote its on the way...

A lot of your neighbors want sport fishing of all types abolished, and I fear before long they will get their way.. If you don't believe it, log on to a West coast fishing site, there are several, and see what our pacific coast counterparts have to say about the subject... Your eyes will be opened... bob

Capt Joe
03-18-2018, 04:37 PM

Sick shit, been trying here for years only a matter of time.
Welcome to New CaliJersey - A Progressive shi*hole.

jmho- :mad:

03-18-2018, 05:06 PM
In California saltwater license sales dropped by 50% because the regs are so tight now you can't keep anything and many people have just stopped fishing.

03-18-2018, 06:34 PM
3 flounder is a bad joke. once they take your quota from you it will never been seen again. it happens all the time up here in nova scotia. flounder and Pollock populations are good here and it looks like a good fishing year.

03-18-2018, 07:24 PM
This is nothing short but BS. I’m calling for a day of civil u rest! 3 fish? That’s a smack in the mouth and we all keep taking it on the chin! Stop just accepting what they give us, this is nuts. We all know there are many more fluke today than a few years back and yet we just accept what they give! Let’s have a day when we keep 17” fish 8 per person then clog the courts! Our word will be heard! Stop being lead to believe we should be thankful for what they give

Was doing that all last year but my goal is not to get caught.

03-18-2018, 07:43 PM
I have gone over my limit a few times when the fish were biting so good and I could not leave. if I catch too many I give them to anyone on the wharf that likes to eat flounder. the DFO would like to catch someone over the limit and make an example out of them.

03-18-2018, 09:29 PM
MRIP is a total fabrication of facts. Species as well as Anglers are not well served with this guessing game approach to science. With todays technology can we really be expected to accept this approach to shut down livelihoods. And worse than that the protection of our resources. Sorry but I am not buying this. Remember when the last presidential survey said Hillary was winning the Presidency.

03-19-2018, 07:05 AM
Then why do we all sit here and just take it like the sheep we are? Yea a few guys will keep a couple extra or maybe even get caught. What we need is to clog the court system with this BS! Bring it out in the open how we are all being screwed. How many want in? Let’s set a date and just fish! It’s up to us no one else will help, maybe even get one of these so called politicians to jump on board and be part of our day? Guaranteed not a single one will jump on board

03-19-2018, 10:21 AM
People want to the salt water registry like a mouse to cheese.
That should have been a boycott from day 1.

Andy you talk this crap all the time.
Registry is FREE , and by people signing up for it at least a number can be put to how many people are being effected by the regulations and the possible loss of other revenue to the state by all those fishing.
Has nothing to do with the state making money from the registry , as IF they wanted that they would have already charged you to sign up.

I most certainly doubt your doing all the float trips on the upper Delaware without having all the licenses for the areas Mike fishes.
And what did any of the three states do for the body of fish your fishing for there that are a NATURAL resource just like our marine fish.
Your not fishing stocked fish up there .

A real boycott would be you not BUYING any of those licenses to fish up there , ACTAULLY costing the states lost revenue



03-21-2018, 05:57 AM
More talk and no one wants to fight them! We are sheep just do what they say and then complain about it! July 4th the day of civil unrest how many are in?