View Full Version : FRTC Shark Hunter Tournament 2018

03-01-2018, 05:05 AM
Forked River Tuna Club Shark Hunter Tournament 2018
Fishing Dates: June 16th-17th
Weigh-In at Holiday Harbor, Waretown NJ
Entry: $400 with additional Calcuttas
$350 early entry by June 2nd
Captains meeting : June 15th, 730 (Doors open at 6pm)
Forked River Tuna Club
18 Bay Ave , Forked River NJ
Door Prizes/Raffle/50/50
Food and Drinks
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Martin Truex Jr Foundation
Additional information at - forkedrivertunaclub.com
Or email - FRTCSHARKHUNTER@qmail.com

03-02-2018, 07:36 AM
Check the new bullshit mako regs effective 3/2.

03-02-2018, 03:30 PM
Any Recreational Angler that holds a NOAA HMS Charterboat permit are “Suppose to release Mako Sharks male/female that are Less then 83” whether they are dead or alive.” Mako Sharks which are longer then 83” we’re allowed to keep !!! Just Unbelievable, Thanks Again NOAA😠🤨🤔

03-02-2018, 05:04 PM
Commercial Measures
Live release of shortfin mako sharks in the commercial pelagic longline fishery, no landings of shortfin mako sharks by fishermen using other commercial gear types.

The recommendation requires the release of all shortfin mako sharks in a manner that causes the least harm, while giving due consideration to the safety of crew members. Therefore, this emergency rule implements the following measures:

Fishermen using pelagic longline gear (who are already required to have a functional electronic monitoring system)

Release all live shortfin mako sharks with a minimum of harm, while giving due consideration to the safety of crew members.

Retain a shortfin mako shark only if it is dead at haulback.

How many shortfin makos for the commercial guys using pelagic gear do you think will be hauled back dead.......... Another fishery where the recreational angling community will be funding the checks the commercials are writing.

03-03-2018, 08:02 AM
Are top 3 fish were over 83", with our top fish being 96"
Come and join us!!!

03-03-2018, 12:06 PM
New regulations totally a bummer for shark tournaments. Guess I'll save the money for tournaments and use for other types of trips.

06-12-2018, 12:31 PM
Captains Meeting this Friday, One of our members caught a 294# 96" Mako last week. They are out there!!!

06-16-2018, 01:37 AM
i target sharks from June through late fall not just through conventual drifting but also always have a shark rig out when chunking. Which can be a pain in the but at times. As well as soaking a bucket of chum with a rig out when wreck fishing. Yes it sucks that mako numbers are down the only way where going to get these numbers up is through stricter management. NOAA is being fair. They could of shut it down completely. We still have a fishery. Inline circle hooks work fine. once you get use to using them you'll find your hookup ratio will be higher then when using j hooks. Plus u won't be trashing the fish like j hooks do.
NOAA also put realistic regulations on long liners they've had observers on these boats for years they know the percentage of sharks that come in dead mako shark landings should be considerably lower. boats with high mako numbers are going to raise red flags along with disgruntled crew members dropping dimes will
Keep long liners in check. Not to mention these are federal regulation where high fines expensive legal fees and potential loss of permits. Will make the risk not worth the reward. Feds don't play. Ask anybody who was caught with illegal bluefin.
these regulation will reduce angler participation. But should provide great action for those that participate.
I'm sure by end of season you'll sea a thread that reads went out sharking had incredible day with makos why are there limits on them. Personally I'm looking forward to having the shark grounds all to myself