View Full Version : Trout Fishing on - Black River in Hacklebarney State Park

02-26-2018, 11:32 AM
Hi Guys!

I am new here and this is my first post. While I am very much into bass fishing, my new hobby is to add Trout to my list of fishing fun.

Black River in Hacklebarney State Park is only 8 miles from my home. I know of a few spots there but hoping someone with experience of this river can assist me with the best location to land a few Trout.

I gave this a try on Sat and nothing at all. I ran into a guy who tried several locations over 3 hours and hated it. He would not try the river again as he was not from the area. Since this river is in my backyard, I just need some help with the best location and baits...

Thanks much for the help!

02-26-2018, 01:24 PM
if there are actually trout in that river, i've never seen them haha, good luck, but if you want my advice, try elsewhere.

02-26-2018, 01:36 PM
Jigs. After a while you will be sick of catching trout, try to stick to the deep holes. South Branch is good too from top to bottom.

02-26-2018, 02:05 PM
Can you catch now or need to wait until April stocking season.

Mikey topaz
02-26-2018, 02:22 PM
Beautiful scenery ....nice clean river.... Yep alot of trout in there if you like to hike mountains lol u can catch trout there in just about every pocket riff or run, just fish and walk fish and walk you'll get em....

02-26-2018, 02:56 PM
The question is can fish be caught now? I just had jury duty and it ended. So, I can go fishing right now. But, I do not want to go there and catch nothing.

02-26-2018, 03:04 PM
Hacklebarney is a local spot for me as well.. Pretty much all the trout I've caught there have come around stocking seasons though.

Went out this weekend at a nearby spot and got the skunk as well. Not to say there isn't fish to be caught at Hacklebarney this time of year, but best bet would be to hike until you find deep holes (there are a few there) and fish jigs as Andy recommended or something similar that can be fished slow.

02-26-2018, 05:04 PM
So I park on the Street by the closed Bridge and the man made waterfalls. I have only tried in that area.

Where do you suggest I find these deep pools? How far of a walk?

Plus, I lose lures all the time.

02-26-2018, 06:16 PM
From what I know there's a private club there so first be aware to watch out for private property signs if you venture far south/downstream.

I've been there once when I was a super noob, around this time if the year I remember. Definitely some ok holes from what I saw but I didn't hike so much.

Idk about your exact location but south branch should be in the area if hackleberry is. Give that a try too.

02-26-2018, 06:51 PM
I am researching South Branch Raritan River as we speak. I have no idea where its located but I will very soon. This looks like a good place as well.

Mikey topaz
02-26-2018, 09:44 PM
U can catch trout all year there!!!! Plenty of trout in their and couple wild trout streams that dump into the black river..... I'll send ya pm with some info

02-26-2018, 10:25 PM
I located the South Branch Raritan River... This looks like a winning place for sure. Ken Lockwood Gorge North Parking is a good place to start? I will check this out over the weekend.

02-27-2018, 04:21 PM
There’s a sportsman’s parking lot at the end of Lamerson Rd. Walk down to the river from there. Lots of different spots that hold fish. It’s a bit of a walk and not my favorite river but not bad if it’s in your area.

02-27-2018, 04:37 PM
Streams close March 20th I think for stocking. The South Branch is great, I prefer to start at Clinton falls and work my way down, the "lower" section.

02-28-2018, 12:38 AM
If you are referring to the bridge below the lake, you are still a few miles from the park. The area from Rt 24 to the bridge is stocked but the majority of the trout are stocked in the park. There are some holes and runs and rocks. Fish them all. Don't overlook the magic of powerbait. If you like fishing, now is a good time to go. If you like catching, wait until the spring stocking. Check the new stocking schedule for the Black River.

As for the South Branch.......keep driving to Long Valley and start there. After that, drive along and follow the river looking for trout stocking signs. Follow it to the Gorge fishing along the way. Park above the Gorge and fish through there. When you're done, cross the bridge at Hoffman's and continue to High Bridge and then to the Clinton Falls.

You're pretty close to lots of great fishing.....much closer than I am. You are very close to the Claremont Stretch of the South Branch. It's upstream from Long Valley. Read up on it and check it out since the regulations there are more restrictive.

Welcome to NJF and good luck.

Mark B.
02-28-2018, 07:26 AM
Yesterday, on the S. Branch @ Melick's Bridge:


C & R'ed a colorful 16" Rainbow. Had another, bigger fish on, but lost it.

Lure = #9 Floating Rainbow Trout Rapala

03-02-2018, 12:21 PM
I plan to take a ride to these spots over the weekend. Will report back worthy information or more questions. Much appreciated to all.