View Full Version : Info on Venice, LA Trip

02-12-2018, 07:41 PM
Looking to set up a trip to Venice in July.
A couple days offshore and a couple inshore. Lots of boats to choose from.
Any suggestions on Captains and lodging is much appreciated.

02-12-2018, 08:27 PM
Funny, I’m doing that trip in June. Fishing for tuna and mahi-mahi day one, and grouper and red snapper day 2.
We went with Mexican Gulf Fishing Company. www.mgfishing.com
They can provide accommodations as well.

Blackfish Bobby
02-12-2018, 10:15 PM
It has been a few years since i fished Venice but look up Venice Sportsmans Lodge,,,,right in Venice Marina and Captain Hunter Cabalerro,,,Paradise Outfitters and Captain Will Wall. Two Capts who get the job done.
We stayed at the lodge and it was awesome.

02-13-2018, 04:27 PM
A buddy of mine lives out in Redondo Beach. If you're looking for a fun, relaxing afternoon, try out the Redondo Pier. I saw guys killing mackerel on Sabiki rigs all week when I went to visit him.

02-13-2018, 06:36 PM
A buddy of mine lives out in Redondo Beach. If you're looking for a fun, relaxing afternoon, try out the Redondo Pier. I saw guys killing mackerel on Sabiki rigs all week when I went to visit him.

I think the original poster was looking for recommendations in Venice, Louisiana. Not Venice Beach or Los Angeles, California.
Although, I will keep your recommendation in mind, the next time that I’m on the left coast.

02-13-2018, 08:24 PM
Yes, looking for Venice, Louisiana.

Thanks for the recommendations!

02-14-2018, 05:57 PM
I think the original poster was looking for recommendations in Venice, Louisiana. Not Venice Beach or Los Angeles, California.
Although, I will keep your recommendation in mind, the next time that I’m on the left coast.

LMAO! Shows how much I know! Guess I'm in a california state of mind :rolleyes:

02-16-2018, 11:36 AM
Mangrove snapper fishing and redfishing are not to be missed. Both are plentiful are larger than normal.