View Full Version : Anyone own

Capt. Lou
02-12-2018, 04:02 AM
A CC in the 35’ range powered by E Tecs G-2 engines ? A lot of very good running reports on these engines , especially the 300- 350 range !
I’m looking at a boat late model with these for power .

Slip It In
02-12-2018, 08:03 AM
Ran on a 32 Andros CC rigged with twin g2 300's.

Few things I liked:
Rigging looked very clean with the internal steering system they have.
For a heavy boat it had great power as well as good fuel mileage
Didn't sound much louder than my 250 yamahas
Boat gets a new set every year, capt puts over 1,000 hours a year. no problems with the 2 previous sets of g2

Things I didn't like:
what if steering screws up 100 miles from port?
still a 2 stroke

Cant say anything about maintenance, or how it would run up north running lower hours per year.
