View Full Version : Upcoming Fishing Seminars

Gerry Zagorski
02-09-2018, 08:52 AM
Hi-mar on 2/10:
8:30 am: Gerry and Joe Z.: Blackfish strategies
10:00 am: Chuck Many: A day aboard the TyMan -- pursing striped bass
11:30 am: Capt. Kevin: Boating Safety and Course Requirements

NJ Boat Show 2/15 - 2/18

02-09-2018, 10:00 AM
Saltwater Fishing Expo on 3/16,17,18 Edison NJ
http://www.sportshows.com/saltwater/seminar.html <--- presenter info here (NJ specific), timings TBD

Gerry Zagorski
02-09-2018, 04:15 PM
Saltwater Fishing Expo on 3/16,17,18 Edison NJ
http://www.sportshows.com/saltwater/seminar.html <--- presenter info here (NJ specific), timings TBD

Wow an All Star line up and our own NJFers Dave, Paul, Jimmy, Keefe, RJ and Coty.

This is definitely one of my do not miss shows. Please make it a point and stop by our sponsors booths:

- Avet G&B
- Fairfield Bait and Tackle
- Gambler
- Jersey Nutz
- Jigging World
- Kevin Bogan
- Reel Seat