Ocean Explorer
01-09-2018, 03:11 PM
1-3-18 What a day out there today...flat calm and much warmer...If I didnt have the flu it would have been great but I managed to get through the day....The day was good to us to with some quality blackfish coming up....Our pool winner was up around 13 lbs,a big round female tog...we also had two other fish in the 11-12lb range as well,both of these were fat females as well...We also lost some other big piggies to that I saw shaved off.....So we had the shots at the big fish again,,,if the dogs would have left us along I think we could have picked a little better at them..in the end seemed like the bow area had it the best...and high hooks had 3-4 keepers..some one or two etc..whole white crabs drew most of bigger fish..overall I was happy with the catch...check out some pics...No fishing until after the snow storm.probably Saturday or Sunday...I will let you know here when we can get back offshore and into the bigger fish again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pics
1-9-18 Update!!! we start fishing again tomorrow,,,Wednesday,,see ya then!!
1-9-18 Update!!! we start fishing again tomorrow,,,Wednesday,,see ya then!!