View Full Version : Trolling rods for heavy mojos

01-02-2018, 06:47 PM
Looking for two rods to troll heavy mojos to 32 oz.s.

Any suggestions?

Looking to pair the rods with two avet mxl raptors. Already have reels.

Looking for good rods to match.


Thanks in advance,


01-02-2018, 11:40 PM
Try Kevin Bogan......... he’s 212 Broadway in Point Pleasant just over the railroad tracks bout 1/2mi. Down on the right. Best custom rods around for any species

Davy Jones
01-04-2018, 06:17 PM
Kevin Bogan's mojo rods are excellent. Designed for trolling big mojos and well-built.

Davy Jones
01-04-2018, 06:45 PM
Here's a link to a short video of a Kevin Bogan trolling rod pulling a big mojo. This was on the Capt. Tony's Reel Drag.


01-05-2018, 02:00 AM
Im looking to sell two trolling rods, although they are specifically bunker spoon rods, Im sure they will pull anything else you want to troll with ease. Let me know if youre interested, they are Star and Shimano 8'

01-05-2018, 09:59 AM
We use 7' Heavy Shimano Tallus Blue Waters with TLD 20's spooled with 50# braid. TLC70HBBL Your Raptors will pair with them perfectly.
I probably could of got away with the Medium Heavy's but the Heavy's are the only Tallus that come with the gimble butts. We like em a lot. Good for pulling big shad rigs also.

01-05-2018, 10:29 PM
Thank you gentlemen, I’ll check out Kevin’s rods next time I’m in the area. Any idea on the cost of one of his rods.

I was also looking at the shimano tallus. Can’t go wrong with a shimano product.....

Kevin Bogan
01-08-2018, 01:07 PM
We build a mojo trolling rod with a detachable aluminum butt. With a ceramic ring top the rod starts at $230. With a roller top (recommended) the rod starts at $240. That's for an all black rod. Two and three colored rods are $10and $30 extra, respectively. All prices include a decal and your name or your boat's name.

01-12-2018, 09:17 AM
Hey Maddhatterr, I have a couple of different rods that would be excellent to troll those MoJo s. I can even let you try a couple out so you can see which one you like the best, then you can make a decision......your not going to get a better deal than that.....Stop by the shop mid March.....Hope to see you then....Pete