View Full Version : Cabo San Lucas charter recommendation
12-28-2017, 04:36 PM
Heading down to Cabo the first week of Feb. Any charter recommendations would be greatly appreciated. My last trip down there we ended the day with a couple football size marlin:(
Capt. JJ
12-29-2017, 09:05 AM
Hi Fish Head,
Ive never fished there in the Winter months; I always go for peak Tuna season which is October/November.
That being said you wont lack for options. My advice is as follows:
1. There are 2 main locations to fish there...out of Cabo San Lucas, and out of San Jose del Cabo. Check the current fishing reports on a site like Gordo Banks pangas (San Jose)....they will tell you where the majority of the action is focused. Cabo boats primarily fish the Pacific side since they are basically "right there", and San Jose boats primarily fish the Gulf side. Boats from both ports will sail in either direction if the action calls for it, but be aware that sailing time will vary.
2. I prefer the San Jose side and use Gordo banks pangas (Eric Brickston runs the operation) because I prefer to fish the Gordo, and Iman banks, when Im down there. That, however, is a subjective statement as others prefer to use operations from Cabo. Its entirely up to you. I also prefer pangas to cruisers since Im very choosy about my captains. Sorta like one person preferring the Monger over any other charter because of Capt. Jerry, comprende?
3. In my opinion (and Ive used several captains down there), the 2 finest captains are Jamie Pino on the Killer II, and Capt. Benito (Gordo banks...he drives Erics personal boat). I'll book either of them, or both, if Im fishing multiple days. Jamie has caught more 300+ pound ahi down there than most of the others combined, and hes just a serious fishing machine. Period.
4. Call Eric right before you go and ask him for a straight forward reply on what is best to target. He never wastes your time, or money, and he never misleads. If you want 300+ pound tuna and they simply aren't there in worthwhile numbers, but there are limitless numbers of 20 pound yellowfin and mahi in the surf, he will tell you to stay tight to the beach and catch a dozen fish. Ive caught 20 pound yellowfin and mahi, as well as larger wahoo,on light tackle close enough to the wash to swim to shore without any problems. If you want to focus on marlin, he might even tell you to change plans and fish the pacific side on different boats, or focus on off shore fishing west of the various banks in the Gulf with his team.
5. You CAN take your fish back to your resort and have it cooked, or have it cleaned, packed on dry ice, and shipped home with, or for you, if you want....Ive taken home 150 pounds of tuna steaks and it was a hell of a lot cheaper than buying it here in the states.
Email me if you have any other questions...
12-29-2017, 01:04 PM
We have been going there in February since 2005! Always do good on Dream Maker, El Budster and Randala. Also fish on beach on Pacific side for sierras!
May run into you...
Good luck and have a great time! You will love it!
01-01-2018, 10:07 AM
I’ve fished with Renegade Mike for the last couple of years. Love the guy - great Captain and even better fisherman. I just fished with him during Thanksgiving.
"Reef Donkey"
01-08-2018, 08:14 AM
Second for elbudster !!!
01-09-2018, 06:17 PM
I will recommend the Pisces Fleet if you want to stay in town they have several 31 Bertram’s very well maintained and have always done well. They have been doing good with big Tuna.
Capt. Lou
01-09-2018, 07:43 PM
Ditto on the Panga fishing very exciting & relable Capts. I liked it so much when I use to make this run to,board a long range charter , we would run up to Mag bay for 10 day trips .
Once fished the Pangas always came down couple days early to get in on that fishery lotsa tunas etc great light tackle angling !
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