View Full Version : Jamaica II - Seabass

Capt Joe
11-21-2017, 02:17 PM
Rough as shit today , as usual, still managed a good catch of decent Seabass with mostly all limiting. Didnt get too far off due to 30 knots of South wind, but found some good life closer on unfished snags.
Be back at it tomorrow at 5 am
Starting Nov 29th ALL WEDNESDAY trips depart at 3 am - 14 Hour same as SATURDAY AND SUNDAY

Capt Ryan

11-21-2017, 04:37 PM
You fish in 30s? I guess that answers my question about when you'll fish vs not.:eek:

Capt Joe
11-21-2017, 04:45 PM
Not always, depends on direction and timing. If its blowing 30 South at depart time, aint happening. Example, sailing tomorrow, supposed to die out from south tonite and blow 25 northwest late morning tomorrow. We can swing that. May not get as far as we would like but we are going fishing